
clown boy

Active Member
While we are on this topic and all the moderators are here, I want to say thank you all for doing such a good job. I can't imagine what this place would be like without you guys.
By the way, I am going to be a moderator on a new message board that is starting up (Don't worry, it has nothing to do with the aquarium hobby
). What tips could you give a new and inexperienced moderator?


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
What tips could you give a new and inexperienced moderator?

as an administrator for the last three years at another site, i would like to give you 10 extremely helpful rules to abide by. listen up son:
1. abuse your power. who cares. it's just the internet.
2. collect groupies. chicks dig that title bro.
3. ban people randomly. start a thread called Duck Duck BAN. in there the weekly "winner" will be announced.
4. edit people's posts behind their back. make em fight eachother.
5. warn people for offenses and then deliberatly commit the same thing. don't reply when questioned on your hypocracy.
6. sticky every thread started by you.
7. encourage forum raiding on competitors
8. have an auto reply that says "shut up. get over it." for every reported post.
9. create assistants. believe me, people will line up for the job.
10. create fun & humiliating contests. never pay out the winner's prize. IP ban any complainers.
well there you have it. within no time you'll be king.


Originally Posted by soto
as an administrator for the last three years at another site, i would like to give you 10 extremely helpful rules to abide by. listen up son:
1. abuse your power. who cares. it's just the internet.
2. collect groupies. chicks dig that title bro.
3. ban people randomly. start a thread called Duck Duck BAN. in there the weekly "winner" will be announced.
4. edit people's posts behind their back. make em fight eachother.
5. warn people for offenses and then deliberatly commit the same thing. don't reply when questioned on your hypocracy.
6. sticky every thread started by you.
7. encourage forum raiding on competitors
8. have an auto reply that says "shut up. get over it." for every reported post.
9. create assistants. believe me, people will line up for the job.
10. create fun & humiliating contests. never pay out the winner's prize. IP ban any complainers.
well there you have it. within no time you'll be king.

that is very good advice.

clown boy

Active Member
I think that I should at least be........ nice.
Originally Posted by soto
Groupies ClownBoy......groupies!
I'm not to sure what you mean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Errrrrr....What does that mean?

Speaking from experience, it is similar to being a "rock star" with loads of people hanging on your every word, expression, glance and hoping beyond hope for a moment of attention.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Don't let the title go to your head....

That wasn't directed at me was it?? :mad:
Shark is basically top of the food chain in the ocean. That's us on this forum! :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Speaking from experience, it is similar to being a "rock star" with loads of people hanging on your every word, expression, glance and hoping beyond hope for a moment of attention.



Staff member
Originally Posted by martinc909
would you mind if I put shark on mine also?
No one is allowed to use the title, except mods.
Speaking of which, Squiddy, its about time you updated your "title".

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by martinc909
Is That Exceptable?
no it has to be shark waana be or the mods will use sotos list on you


they could always commercialize Tequila Thursdays. the incoming revenue could offset any potential loss from people being scared off.
...course, i get more royalties.