Mollie baby's ?


This was posted on another web site can anyone else advise as this is correct? If so what kind of fish can I put in with the mollies that have fry as I don't want to kill them all off right away I have a swfo tank? I am a begginer and am trying to add fish and other stuff to my tank. I have had the mollies in my tank for about 3 weeks now and they have had 4 litters of a total of 70 fry?
I have 6 black mollies, 3 white mollies, 3 black,grey and white mollies. I would like to keep the fry and let them grow up but don't want them for food.
Never put a molly in a breeding trap - the stress of being confined in a breeder trap without algae to eat will likely kill them. Most mollies will not bother their offspring and a planted tank will work quite well for delivery and raising fry. Plants allow the fry security and also provide food items. Fry, and adults, enjoy newly hatched brine shrimp.

bang guy

The fry are going to be food for almost any SW fish you put in there. The onlt exceptions I can think of need a reef tank.


What is concidered a reef tank. I have Live rock in my tank (50 lb)already?With plans of adding about 75-100 lbs more.