money you've spent so far


post how much you think you've invested in your tanks.
so far my " free tank has cost me 250 and i havent even put any living creatures on it yet!


$2,000 for tank, stand/hood, and filtration sytem, w/setup and 120lbs live rock, +-50lbs sand, and +-90lbs of aggreagate. Lighting quote has come in @ $1,200 but trying to get that down to $900 or so, will prob have to buy a chiller @ about $600. Finding out this is much more expensive than my freshwater tanks. Maybe I can afford a gupy after all the equipment is done.


I can't include my tank/filter/hood because they were being used for a turtle tank prior to this (don't worry, everything was cleaned thoroughly and the filter media was changed of course...)
So far I'd say about 250 w/o the above stuff, and I still need more LR. I recently decided to go with a reef instead of a FOWLR (still in the cycle phase), so I had to invest in equipment to set up a fuge which I am currently tweaking, and I'm looking into VHO lighting. It's only a standard 29 and I just can't afford MH lighting for it right now. I know that still limits my options as far as certain corals and most anemones, but I'll deal with it. With the lr and the lighting, I'd say another $100 w/o anything actually alive (aside from the sand and rock, lol).
My tank is also cycling much faster than I expected, which means it will be "done" cycling before my budgeted first critter purchase in a couple of weeks...*sigh*


Originally Posted by clsimons29
$2,000 for tank, stand/hood, and filtration sytem, w/setup and 120lbs live rock, +-50lbs sand, and +-90lbs of aggreagate. Lighting quote has come in @ $1,200 but trying to get that down to $900 or so, will prob have to buy a chiller @ about $600. Finding out this is much more expensive than my freshwater tanks. Maybe I can afford a gupy after all the equipment is done.

:hilarious That's comical! I have both. One saltwater and one freshwater. The sw tank is set up and I only have some lr and ls, a cleaner shrimp and a few crabs. And ironically..... a guppy, gourami, dwarf frog and dwarf cat freshwater tank. With both, my current exspense is around $1,500 for both tanks, equiptment, supplies and critters. Not even close to done though! Much more spendy than I figured! Worth it though, love to watch them! ***)


135Gallon Reef ready with custom built stand and custom built sump already been cycling at lfs for $1000.00. Then I had to get a Refractometer $89, Protein Skimmer $200, test Kit $28 and a R/O System $250 and this does not include my live stock and LR. This hobby is freaking expensive my wife was pissed at first now she loves looking at the Tank.


Active Member
wow you people must get the insane far on my exp. 30 gal i have around $900 thats LR filters LS and livestock and of course all the other ness. things


I just checked this morning and I've spent $3500 since the end of December. That included the 90 gallon with stand, blue and white light fixture with moonlights, filter, hob filter, powerheads, live rock, livestock, reference books, food, sand, etc. I didn't realize I had that much into this tank.
I should be over the big expense though now. Also includes plastic bins and RO unit


Active Member
So far I am at $1650 with my very newly established 50 gallon with only a cleanup crew.
So much for paying my truck off early!!!


Active Member
After 5+ years I have no clue what I have spent! Probably just as happy not knowing.
My SO pulled out a large styrofoam box last night that I had transported some LR home in at one point. His intent is to use it as a cooler when we camp next week.."Won't this make a great freezer!" he said. I told him I believed that styrofoam box cost me about $75.00!


I am at $800 for my 55gal, custom stand, skimmer, sump, 2-hamilton pendants, 2 maxi jet 1200's, 2 zoo med power sweep 228's, a rio 17hf pump, overflow, heater, test kits, sand, and I still need LR, fish, and time. Was that a run on?


Active Member
So far I have spent almost $1500 for my 46 gal. That includes equipment and livestock.I am going to spend another $300-$400 to finish it (LR, corals, fish, more corals)


I spent 300 on this set up...90g with stand and canopy..and about 70 lbs of rock that needed to be cured again...also two magnum 350 canister filters, and a heap of those little extras that add up.After the substrate and salt and a few other things I'd guess around a 4 spot I'd think.
I got some great lights for free in another attempt to buy an 80g bowfront....which ended up cracked so it ended ..."you can have it all for free if you will just get it out of here" a sump and pump with that one too...
Luckily the lights fit the new tank great.
While I'll agree this is not a cheap hobby by any stretch....getting a decent start can be ok if you are willing to wait and watch the local trade papers or whatever for your area....just don't expect the spending to stop.


Active Member
I dont know about my current tank but here's my current 90 gallon project budget documentation:
90 Gallon drilled aquarium budget
Refugium Kit : egay $200
600gph pump : ViaAqua 2300 $20 (used pump from fuge kit on current tank)
Power heads : Maxi jet 1200 (2) $50
Heater 300w : $20
Tubing/clamps : 1” drain, .75” return, $20 (from fuge kit used on current tank)
Substrate : aragonite playsand ?
Stand : $150 est
90g AGA drilled: $247
Drain kit AGA : $ 50
To buy after tank set up
Fuge lighting : mini aqualight $ 25 (from fuge kit used on current tank)
Lighting : (2) MH 250w pendants $400+
Liverock 50lbs : $150 (rest to come from coral rock)
Skimmer : AquaC EV120/pump $330
UV sterilizer : turbo twist 36w $170
that adds up to $1835 plus what ever the substrate cost. I've got everything but the tank itself,stand and substrate (dont have anything on the buy after list). going on 3 months now, if I buy too much at once I have to deal with my wife and live on roman noodles. should be up and rolling by sept.


Active Member

:thinking: my car was only $6k...
the fish room rolls in at well over that. i'd estimate roughly twelve at this point and it's not nearly where it needs to be by the end of summer. maybe this will slow as i've a new job in tanks that are diveable.
the worst is that i'm not nearly a well off person, i'm just an addict to fish!


Im upwards of the $4000 range just in the last year and a half...I probably will spend about another $5000 just to finish my 3 tanks... Its a slow Process but love every bit of it...Reef tanks are alot more expensive when you spend 30-70 bucks a pop on corals that fill maybe 3 to 6 inches of the tank...


Active Member
reef tanks come in pretty cheap at first, then comes the realization that you need different equipment like calc.
fowlr tanks seem to run up huge prices quick also. i've 3 tanks with over 500gal and that runs up danm quick!!!