I'm new to SPS and I picked up a small red monti cap frag from work today and I was wondering if the white on the ends of the plate is where growth has started or is that bad? My camera makes the corals color look faded but here is a picture of it
As the picture is blurry, I can't tell from your picture. But mine will get a lighter rim as it grows. How is it's polyp extention? Do you see polyps on it?
Like I said, I'm new to SPS but I'm seeing some nice bumps on the monti cap...are these the polyps? (probably sound stupid with that question)
But while looking at it in person, it seems to have some great red/orange color
Originally Posted by Childress5tylerhttp:///t/389722/monti-cap-question#post_3446189
Like I said, I'm new to SPS but I'm seeing some nice bumps on the monti cap...are these the polyps? (probably sound stupid with that question) The unasked question is the STUPID one...... Believe me.....
But while looking at it in person, it seems to have some great red/orange color
How to explain a polyp....... well.... like a small flower, on it (there will be several on them). Kinda moves with the current. Small Polyp Stoney, is SPS.
Being new to the SPS, what is your lighting setup, size of tank?
Benificial things to keep in mind with SPS, is that they have a fine balance between the Alk/Cal/Mag balance, to keep the happy.
Do you have current readings on your Alk, Cal and Mag?
I know how to ID a polyp on an LPS but just not on an SPS (any advice on that would be great)
And I know the basics of SPS, like their needs and such
Here are my levels:
Calcium- 475 (a little high)
Alkalinity- 11.2 (a little high)
Magnesium- 1350
And I have a 34 gallon red sea max with plenty of water movement and I am upgrading to LEDs this Tuesday...I'm getting 6 3 watt CREE white bulbs and 15 "high end" royal blue bulbs
Levels are a touch high, but not bad as you know. Cree LED's are the best ones out there, but I don't know what kind of spread you will get out of only 6 of them, as I don't know their reflector angle. Hopefully the blues will suppliment them well. Are they programable lights? https://www.saltwaterfish.com/ORA-Digitata--Orange_p_1938.html
This link is of a orange digitata, but the little polyps all over it, look similar to the ones you would see on a monti, but much less dense then the digitata.....
It doesn't have that much polyp extension yet but again, I just got it today
And I'll probably just take a couple days off from dosing to get my levels down a bit
Originally Posted by Childress5tylerhttp:///t/389722/monti-cap-question#post_3446237
It doesn't have that much polyp extension yet but again, I just got it today
And I'll probably just take a couple days off from dosing to get my levels down a bit
That is the best way to do it as your corals will consume it for you!
The Zoas and Leathers,I would consider high consumers of carbonate and calcium. The Hammer, Frogspawn, and Monti are medium high consumers. All of these consume faster than most SPS corals so they should be able to remove any excess for you fairly quickly.