

I want to purchase a Montipora coral and have all the conditions needed but I have not seen anything on the flow rate. Does anyone know what type of flow this animal likes?


I have 3, 2 monti caps and a purple dig. They like medium to strong flow. Mine are doing great and I have 30x turnover in my 120g.


more flow the better.... if you've never kept sps before, monti's are a great place to start. are you looking at a m. digitata or a m. capricornus,etc. there are so many factors the contribute to healthy stonies. flow is but one part of the equation. good luck
here is a shot with some caps in it for your viewing pleasure :)


Active Member
I would agree more is better. As with most sps corals strong random flow is essential.
StonyNut, is that your tank?? Beautiful shot!!


hello fellow "nut"... yep.. my tank
use your powers to find out i am an amigo from the past... but dont boot me :)
i have spent some time at other places... been a part of admininstration and moderation... i hate all that crap and now i just wanna be a helpful reefer again :)


Active Member
lol, I wouldn't have the first time. The tank is looking great!!
btw, I am glad to see you here again!!


thanks for the remarks
its always cool to come back to your roots... so many new faces here its like a brand new place.
hope your colleagues feel the same about my presence.


Active Member
StonyNut-an absolutely beautiful sps reef. I want to see the whole tank
. More pics-please.



i wouldnt want this thread to become about my tank and steal away from crzyfshygy's questions anymore than it already has
maybe in another thread


That looks awesome stony! I did purchase the Monti cap. its a beautiful orange color. See, my tank is a 65gl and I have a huge frogs pawn in there so I am trying to keep the flow away from that guy because I read that they like slow flow but i have also heard they like high flow. I have 300watt halides and placed it on the bottom right under the beam for starters to get used to the light and conditions. I will have to point a powerhead or return flow down on it. Do you have any LPS corals in there with all that flow? If so how do they like it? Thanks for the awesome pic.


i have a frogspawn in the far right of the tank that gets tossed around big time.
i have my flow set up where about 3500gph sweeps across the tank in a big wall of flow. it goes to the right for about 15secs, then stirs for 15secs, then to the left for 15sec, and stirs again.... repeat, repeat, repeat.
long tentacle LPS can adjust to high flow over time, but they dont wanna be blasted directly.


Originally Posted by nicky1.8t
Nice to see you here again. Hows the new tank going?
pretty good i guess
hows your tank?


Thanks for the info stony...It give me something more to work off of. Thanks I am leaving for a 7 day vacation tommorow. My mom is tank sitting........hope it goes well. later