Moorish Idol


I'm With Bang GUy, They shouldn't be on sale, But for advise make sure you tank is at least 100 gallons with LOTS of live rock and a very good amount of swimming room, there algea grazers, and I don't think they eat seaweed sheets, so maybe you'll end up having to buy live rock every week for its food?
Thats what my neighbor does, He's has only been around for 3 months.


:happyfish I would NEVER buy one. They are soooo touchy, and do very poor in captivity. Even if you get it eating, there is no guarantee it just won't up and stop eating in a few months. Everyone, please stop buying these fish, I think PETA should outlaw capturing them and selling them. -ali:happyfish


Search for Moorish Idol on the board. Someone (can't remember who) said they used to mix a bunch of different food in the blender and put it in a mussel shell and the fish would eat.


Active Member
Even if you do get one to eat, it probably wont last because alot of them are caught with cyanide.


Not condoning them in private aquariums at all but in some LFS's defence, a store near here gets them occasionally and they sell fast(a very upscale community) and usually his are already eating flake(relize that this is not the proper food) and eat anything put in the water. He showed me this the day I first saw them knowing I was about to lecture him on getting them in in the first place.
The other store around here only gets them for special orders when someone they know specifically wants one.