More babies born-update.


The first babies I had were born the day they arrived-6-11-03, but 2 days later I was fortunate enough to watch another pair breed. Those babies were born 7-10-03.
This pic shows an adult female(top)...a month old baby(middle)...and a newborn(bottom)...
Hope ya like...


Active Member
Sweet...are the adults eating frozen food or live? And you looking to sell of any of the babies eventually? I'm setting up a lil 3 gal nano sea horse tank--I'm still a month away (at least) from being able to put ponies in...but still trying to find a good place to get 'em!


Active Member
WOW! You are having amazing success with them. Thanks for keeping us updated. Have you applied for Family Medical Leave yet? Pretty soon you'll have so many babies, you'll have to be stay at home mom. :)


Cute, real cute, what are those little guys eating? I had a pair of coral banded shrimp spawn in my tank once, but none survived
:( I am sure it was due to no food for them, Congrats on the babies.


ReefnJeff....they are only able to eat newly hatched brine.
The adult female shown is only about 3/4 of an inch long.
ClarkiiBoi.....I now have about 30 babies. Hard to count the lil buggars.
Leigh....only live brine is fed because of size..newly hatched. And I`m sure eventually I`m gonna loose some of them.Very delicate where clean water is a concern. I dont plan to sell any.If you are going with dwarves,,then wild caught or captive bred are same where feeding is the issue.
BangGuy....I would in a heartbeat if I was more knowledgeable about shipping.
Crazy4reefs....I`m gonna hang onto them, take care of them, and see if I can get the babies up to adult size. Then, I may sell some.
My goal is to get a 3rd generation...not getting my hopes up tho.
And most importantly....THANK YOU ALL FOR THE COMPLIMENTS!!!


Wow, thats amazing. May I ask how you have your tank set up?


My main tank is a 5&1/2 gal...I have some babies sepperate in another small tank.
The main tank has a small outside filter I only run once a week for minimal filtration. I keep an airstone going(medium to low) always.
When I add brine..I sometimes turn airstone wayyyy low so they have a better chance to eat. Then return it to regular after an hour or so. A heater keeps the tank at 80 degrees. I do a 50% water change every 7-10 days because the brine that dont get eaten contaminate the water quickly. Also,, I syphon out debris around the tanks edges.
I use just regular incandescent lighting,,,40 watt bulb.
Nothing in the tank with them but a small piece of LR (no critters attached)..3 trees for "hangin out", and 1 piece of white coral for decoration,and a small piece of caulerpa.
Also (forgot to mention above),,, the intake on the filter has netting around it with rubberbands to protect them when its running.
If I had to give only one most important piece of would be....CLEAN WATER AT ALL TIMES.
Am trying to develope some sort of outer filtration(like a wetdry),,that doesnt endanger the lil guys, or hinder the feeding of brine. There just doesnt seem any way without sucking up their food.
If anyone has any ideas...please share them.
Hope this helps..


Active Member
Wow, you do seem to have great success with the ponies.....congrats!!:) Might I suggest checking out "GE reveal" bulbs if you use incandescent...amazing difference in water clarity....I use them on my eel tank (not sure if lower watt bulbs are made though). Keep doing whatever you're doing, it is working.:)


I have tried using the smallest powerhead I could find..about 2 inches square...comes with these small waterfalls you buy in dept stores. Still too much current for these tiny horses. The brine has to be very close for them to even see it. Any current, and the brine just gets blown around.
Quite the task..feeding these guys. Basically still water is what I have found best for them. The airstone I use just creates enough circulation and extra oxygen to keep them from sitting in stagnant water.(which also adds to the need for frequent water changes.)
They get a good current when the filter is running and they hold on and wave in the surf awhile.
Thanks for the sugestion tho.:D


I am deffinately looking forward to building my kitchen seahorse tank!