More evidence of Democrats looking out for the little guy


Active Member
Here's what we can look forward too if the Democrats were to get into the white house.
Congressman John Dingell Proposes 50-cent Gas Tax Hike to Fight Global Warming
Posted on 09/27/2007 10:08:35 AM PDT by MNJohnnie
Dealing with global warming will be painful, says one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress. To back up his claim he is proposing a recipe many people won't like — a 50-cent gasoline tax, a carbon tax and scaling back tax breaks for some home owners.
For all the demonizing of oil company profits saying high gas prices hurt the working class odd how the Demmunist party now wants to hike the price of gas 50 cent a gallon AND hit power companies with a carbon tax that will be passed on to we the rate payers. Oh, and at a time when they whine about homeowners being forced out of their homes lets take away morgage deductions too


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Here's what we can look forward too if the Democrats were to get into the white house.
Congressman John Dingell Proposes 50-cent Gas Tax Hike to Fight Global Warming
Posted on 09/27/2007 10:08:35 AM PDT by MNJohnnie
Dealing with global warming will be painful, says one of the most powerful Democrats in Congress. To back up his claim he is proposing a recipe many people won't like — a 50-cent gasoline tax, a carbon tax and scaling back tax breaks for some home owners.
For all the demonizing of oil company profits saying high gas prices hurt the working class odd how the Demmunist party now wants to hike the price of gas 50 cent a gallon AND hit power companies with a carbon tax that will be passed on to we the rate payers. Oh, and at a time when they whine about homeowners being forced out of their homes lets take away morgage deductions too

I love the logic here... one guy proposes something unpopular so the conclusions is that this is what the Democrats stand for. So by your logic, since David Duke is a Republican then republicans hate blacks and jews, right? And the funniest thing is that some people (see above) just blindly buy into this flawed logic. People crack me up sometimes.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I love the logic here... one guy proposes something unpopular so the conclusions is that this is what the Democrats stand for. So by your logic, since David Duke is a Republican then republicans hate blacks and jews, right? And the funniest thing is that some people (see above) just blindly buy into this flawed logic. People crack me up sometimes.



Hey, some one is finally trying to do something to get us off of our dependence on foreign oil! Yahoo!
We have spent the last few years with these oil men in office who are so against new technologies. Weird, because we have so many great minds in our country, we can be the leader in alternative power and regain our spot as the smartest country on the planet!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
Hey, some one is finally trying to do something to get us off of our dependence on foreign oil! Yahoo!
We have spent the last few years with these oil men in office who are so against new technologies. Weird, because we have so many great minds in our country, we can be the leader in alternative power and regain our spot as the smartest country on the planet!
No, they are just taxing us again. Real moves forward would involve drilling in the gulf, ANWAR and more clean coal and nuclear plants.


Active Member
Has anyone seen how they get nickle cadium for batteries? it is a very expensive long process to get it from the earth not much better than the con's from oil.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I love the logic here... one guy proposes something unpopular so the conclusions is that this is what the Democrats stand for. So by your logic, since David Duke is a Republican then republicans hate blacks and jews, right? And the funniest thing is that some people (see above) just blindly buy into this flawed logic. People crack me up sometimes.

There have been numerous Democrats/leftists propose this very thing. He is just the latest


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
David Duke, George Allen, Trent Lott, Strom Thurmond.

Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr., George Wallace, Ernest Hollings

And unlike Duke former KKK member Robert Byrd was elected to office by the democrat party. FRD, the Messaiah of the democrat party nominated Hugo Black to the supreme court. Another Democrat and former KKK member.