well, I'm gonna frag more stuff today let me know if 'yall wanna see some pics.
its going to be
zoas, palys, toadstool, encrusting brain, and maybe some cabbage leather.
this is going to take a couple posts, please be patient while I rename and resize the rest of the pics,
changed my mind and did a finger leather that I found under a rock that I didn't know I had, ainsted of a toadstool leather same pricipal though, cut with razor, rubber band to rock. Attachment 164551Attachment 164552Attachment 164553Attachment 164554Attachment 164555
look what I found! I forgot I had this bugger, it was growing behind a bunch of stuff.
also reason #732 to wear gloves when fragging, I coulda' been cutting my fingers apart with a razor instead, I just changes my glove. Attachment 164556Attachment 164557
ok next was my encrusting brain, a while back my tank had a crash due to a skimmer malfunction, the encrusting brain receeded leaving one large healthy chung and a tiny piece off to one side that was also healthy. here I took a pair of needle nose pliers and just broke off the little healthy piece, unfortunatly it broke in two. then as per most I just super glue it to a rock, after drying both the frag and the rock. Attachment 164559Attachment 164560Attachment 164561
next blue eyed zoas, very easy I originally glued this colony onto this rock because of how smooth it is making for an easy peel for propagating. I highly reccomend this to any one who wants to make propagation colonies, it worked so well, I am going to do it on all my frag colonies.
step by step for those that havent fragged zoas, (Insert palytoxin disclaimer here, if you dont know what palytoxins are look at this thread https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/245173/the-truth-about-palytoxins )
1 peel back the mat by lifting one edge with butterknife or back of razor blade Attachment 164562
2 cut carefully between polyps at the edge of the lifted and still attached sections to free lifted piece Attachment 164564
3 dry LR
4 dry bottom of zoas Attachment 164565
5 put a drop or two of glue on rock
6 place freed zoa mat directly onto glue Attachment 164566
7 wait 30 seconds
8 rinse to wash of toxins
9 return to tank
ok last but not least, though no skill involved here, I have a rock with xenia, orange zoas and yellow zoas, I only have a few polyps of the oranges so I need to save them from the ever present danger of being over run by xenia.
of course in this case it means breaking the rock. got a metal pry bar and place it against the rock where I wanted it to break and it almost worked. after breaking the rock twice I ended up with two seperate colonies of oranges and two seperate colonies of xenia.
unfortunatly I got a phone call and forgot to take a before pic but I found a picture from a couple weeks ago, you can barely see the xenia due to it being shot under actinic light (and my camera sucking so bad.) Attachment 164570Attachment 164571