more fragging fun


Active Member
Krazy glue gel. I use the gel because it is easier to manage, though you can use the regular thinset, I prefer not to I have accidentally glue my fingers to rocks with the thinset. its the regular stuff you can buy in almost any store.
see pic.


Active Member
reef - a few leathers dont react well to rubber banding. my brother has a big ole Colt leather , that he has tried taking some large chunks off of and he keeps losing the frags, they slip out of rubber band or wither away, what is the way to frag them properly?


Active Member
usually on corals that wither from banding (tree corals do this as well sometimes) the shallow dish with rubble in it in a low flow area works to let the leather/tree attach itself without constricting it, or I get a rock that has a decent nook in it and cram the chunk into it, soon it attaches itself, other times I just set a rock on it. there are several methods that can work, some people just have rotten luck with one technique, have him try one of these other methods they may work better for him. also on the frags try to keep them in equivilant lighting as the frag was taken from, in one or two cases I lost a frag from light shock and the stress of fragging, the coral came from a high light area, I made the cut did the usual steps but put it in my lower light grow out tank, and it died, my assumption is from improper lighting compared to what it was used to. hope this helps.


Thank you for this thread--it needs to be a sticky, or put in the archives, or published in a manual, or something! I hope fragging is as easy as you make it look. I've aided my six-mouthed orange ricordea in splitting, without any casualties--everybody appears healthy and happy, so that has boosted my confidence. Can't wait til my zoo frags grow up to be big colonies so I can frag 'em! :jumping:


Active Member
thank you AZ, lioncrazz has put a link to it in the sticky compellation at the top of new hobbyists, I have requested of the mods to have my two fragging thread archived once they get more complete. the first one kind of petered out but interest in this one is still seeming strong.
I hope more people have questions, so I can make this a very diverse thread on fragging.
unfortunatly my selection of fraggables is limited, but I can answer questions on alot of things I dont actually have at present.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
Any one feel free to ask anything about fragging if I know I will tell you and if I have it I will try to show you. if there are shots of steps that I may have left out just ask and I will try to accomodate. some shots are really hard to get because of running the camera and doing the fragging at the same time.
hope you had fun!

Ok, here is a question for you. What exactly is fragging? Sorry, we're new to the whole saltwater hobby and don't know a whole lot yet. I can see that it has something to do with corals? In about 6 months to a year we're planning to start adding coral and I'm wondering if this is something I'm going to have to do?


Active Member
fragging is slang for propagating corals, its when you take an existing coral/corals and divide the specimen or colony to creat a clone of the original. it can be used to create faster coverage on large rocks by placing many colonies of the same coral on one rock, or create "combo" rock by placing different color phases together. especially with zoanthids, though usually on combo rocks the more dominant color phase eventually wins out they make for really cool looking rocks. also to create another specimine of the same thing for sale or trading, or its used to keep ceartain corals from overtaking an entire tank.
fragging is usually considered a want to do, not a need to do. with a few rare exceptions.


Active Member
very nice work. very clear and concise. thanks in advamce for all the newbie fraggers out there that won't post up


Active Member
Originally Posted by Isistius
very nice work. very clear and concise. thanks in advamce for all the newbie fraggers out there that won't post up



Active Member
one thing that I only touched on in passing is the importance of gloves. I'm only going to list a few of the reasons to wear them, but honestly they should be enough for any body.
1 palytoxins see this thread about palytoxins for an explination
2 super glue see the glove picture way above. (not to mention I have glued my hand to rocks before, this is NOT fun)
3 bacteria, all corals host many types of bacteria, the slime coating on the outside of corals is the IDEAL breeding ground for them. bacteria like Vibrio and pseudomonas (the bacterias that can cause life threatening diarhea, not the way I wanna go out) even when wearing gloves washing your hands and forearms after is important.
4 bristle worms, most of us know how irritating a fingerload of spines can be, to those that are allergic it can be quite painfull. they do hid in and amonst your rocks so at anytime when your handling rock they could be looking for a way off the bumpy ride.
5 soap residue, oils, chemicals, present on your hands, there is a chance anything on your hands could potentially hurt your coral, since we are trying to make more why risk it.
this is just a few reasons, though there are more like, if you slip while cutting with a razor, the rubber glove, as the blade penetrates it, wipes some of whatever is on the leading edge of the blade back (kind of like a squegee). so palytoxins or bacteria have less chance of penetrating as deep into the cut, making it easier to clean out. I know I sound like a paranoid coot but its just basic hygene and awareness.


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i gotta run out but when i get back i have a lot to read from this thread. ever since i posted i havent read anything. so i am excited to come home and read.
until then


Active Member
I hope you like it, that addition was put on just for you (and anyone else who wants to read it)


Active Member
hopefully some day soon I will show how to frag hard coral off rock, I am waiting on a dremel so I can cut a piece of hidden cup out of the rock for a friend. eventually I will add, montipora and frogspawn and trumpet/candycane as well tothis thread.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
hopefully some day soon I will show how to frag hard coral off rock, I am waiting on a dremel so I can cut a piece of hidden cup out of the rock for a friend. eventually I will add, montipora and frogspawn and trumpet/candycane as well tothis thread.
i can't wait until then.. that's my Obsession ***)

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by eugenez_21
whats fraggin any way new to the hobby
fragging is been ON for centuries...