Originally Posted by grubsnaek
awsome stuff. it was exactly what i asked too. now with palys i guess you cut down near the base? is this right..
just like zoanthid you cut the connecting tissues between the heads, and lift and peel the mat back to the cut. I find a butterknife works great for the lifting.
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
the thread should go strong for a while, for people like me that doesnt have a lot of helpers, your pics are like your next to me showing. thats what alot of this hobby is to me, seeing and doing. sometimes its hard to translate words into actions.
so think of it as this. i dont know you and your doing alot for me just showing them. so please even if the thread cools for a little, wait a little and repost some more cause i will follow this.
thank you
Thank you, for your words of encouragement it means a great deal to me that people are benefiting from this. that is why I started these threads because a picture really is worth a thousand words. they help line action with whats said and give a better Idea. I'm glad it helps you and any others whether they post questions or just read whats here.
having people ask helps a lot too because without know what needs answering I may overlook a detail that i just don't realize is important, but can help in demystifying the art of fragging.