Originally Posted by
GM, majority owned by the gov't with President Obama forcing the CEO to leave.
President Obama "spread the wealth", right from the works of Marx. Not "enacted" but definitely looks into his mind set.
Medicare started under the great progressive FDR as SSI, but then it was a shadow of what it has become.
How about our taxes? More "progressivism"? More redistribution of wealth? Am I more "patriotic"?
In President Obama's own words the USPS is the one with problems. He held up UPS and FEX EX (privetely owned) as examples of success. So you want them running health care when they already cannot run the USPS efficiently?
FWIW, I was against the Bush "bailouts" just as much.
If I were President, the People would have gotten the bail out, not AIG, the Banks, the Unions and Automakers.
Finally, how many "czars" does President Obama have. How COnstitutional are they?
How many times do I have to say this. THEY WERE LOANS. Jesus, the stinking UAW has more interest in GM than the Federal Govt. The inept CEO was heading out the door regardless whether they got bailout money or not.
What taxes? What distributiion of wealth? My taxes haven't changed. Playing Robin Hood has so far been nothing but talk. When/if it happens, then you have a gripe.
USPS? He was using that as an example to quell your fears about the Federal Government running private insurance companies out of business. The USPS was in trouble financially before Bush was in office.
The bailouts were needed to keep those businesses viable. Yes, I've heard the Capitalist version of, "If they can't cut it, let them fail. It'll all work itself out in the long run." The problem was if they let them fail, you would've had a major collapse in our economic system. How many thousands of workers would be out of a job? How many BILLIONS of dollars would the FDIC have to shell out to cover that $250,000 guarantee each depositor has when they put their money in one of these banks? Those payments alone would've tripled what the banks received in bailout money.
The problem with your logic is you want the throw the blame of any Govt. program on Obama, regardless if it was implemented before he was even a Senator.