More than one Triggerfish??


You haven't told me why it's ok to take them from the ocean in the first place and stress them enroute to your house. Is that stress ok because you say so?? They certainly live longer in the ocean so why cut their life short just so you can look at them in your house.
The answer is....because it is what we like to do at their expense so we can enjoy their beauty. Don't pretend for a minute that you are providing them a good home...they had a better one. I trade my fish when I want something new to look at. I keep juvi's because it allows me to have more fish in the tank.
Hey...who's keeping score here??


Originally Posted by HuntOaks
OH, I am no expert. I never will be. I don't believe you are either but then again I could be wrong.
Now, the killer whales at Sea World don't have territories. They have migratory routes that cover thousands of miles. Why is it ok to keep THEM in a small tank??
Checkmate my feeble minded friend!!!
Please remember to answer all my questions directly and not just the ones you think you can.
I never said that was right. I personally think its wrong but those are ususally the whales that are found injured.


Originally Posted by HuntOaks
You haven't told me why it's ok to take them from the ocean in the first place and stress them enroute to your house. Is that stress ok because you say so?? They certainly live longer in the ocean so why cut their life short just so you can look at them in your house.
The answer is....because it is what we like to do at their expense so we can enjoy their beauty. Don't pretend for a minute that you are providing them a good home...they had a better one. I trade my fish when I want something new to look at. I keep juvi's because it allows me to have more fish in the tank.
Hey...who's keeping score here??

Actually some fish live longer in captivity than in the wild for 2 reasons. They don't get preyed upon in a tank (unless of course you are keeping a Pantgher Grouper with a school of Chromis) and if water conditions are all kept good in a tank, they will have a lesser chance of catching a disease than in the wild. Not to mention they get a lot of nutrients in the food they eat.
Score: Me-A LOT
You: a little


I'm bored already!!!!
Thanks for all of your wonderfull insite. I will now only keep territorial fish like you have. You know...the ones whos natural territory is 3 X 3 X 8 or whatever you have. I am checking now to see what fish fit that description.


WOW. You don't have any logic do you. I wasn't talking about a territory that small but one for a 10,000 gallon tank. When you get your facts straight then come back and talk to me. YOU'RE boring me. :notsure:


Are you saying then, that all of the fish in your tank have a natural home range equivalent to a 10,000 gal tank??? You never answer all the questions. I am waiting to hear why it's ok to take them from the ocean in the first place and put them into your tank but not ok for me to sell them after a year?

i likefish

New Member
i was thinking on adding a trigger to my 30 gal but i found out they got too big for my tank and were aggressive!