More then 1 Anemone per tank?


Active Member
Anemones are not reef safe; Even BTA's can deliver killing stinks to corals. In my tank currently you can see this by the margin my Xenia is growing around my BTA.


Kinda yankin your chains, I do have all the anemones, but my MH's crapped and I'm running the PC's til the new ones come in. The anemones have their own little lr barriers to keep them in their place.


My 55 has 2 BTAs and 1 Condy in it. Been that way for well over a year and never had a problem.
I also have 2 Pink tips in a 29 (about 6 months now)and they seem to get along just fine.


Originally Posted by jeffy1833
Kinda yankin your chains, I do have all the anemones, but my MH's crapped and I'm running the PC's til the new ones come in. The anemones have their own little lr barriers to keep them in their place.
Well my new MH 175watt w/15k is in and running so the buggers should be happy now.
Originally Posted by jeffy1833
Are you kidding, I have a pink tip Haitian that just recently split, 3 curly Q's, a rock and a little bta in a 30 gal reef tank. I have 195w PC's and they're doing fine(this site list most anemoes as reef safe) I just fragged my hammer, frogspawn and pulsing xenia corals and I'm fragging my pom poms this weekend.
Ok, I am in the same position. I didn't realize that anemones are not reef safe. And that you should not have more than one anemone per tank
I have a bubble tip, a florida condi, and a dinner plate sized... I don't even know what it is, but it's huge... kinda looks like a condi...
Also have tons of soft coral... 0_0