Most Colorful Under Moonlights?


New Member
So I am also wanting to expand my corals by adding those which seem to "glow" under moonlights. The corals I have up to now have been pretty bland and now that i have gone frag happy i am now seeing that some corals really glisten under moonlights. Does anyone have any favorites which stand out under moonlights?


Active Member
Isn't this a bit of an oxymoron? This is one trend I really don't like, with some 'moonlights' rivaling actnics for their brightness. If you want to run actnics for a bit for a dawn/dusk effect, by all means, but some of these ridiculously bright 'moonlights' all night long? Give the corals a rest! Has anyone actually been on a reef/in the ocean at night?


New Member
thanks for all the comments

i was never aware of how colorful these corals can be in the evenings until this past weekend when i bought my torch and frag of yuma.
I run a few (3 sets/pods) moonlights after my actinics have been turned off by their timer.
It is nice to see the beauty and value of my corals late at night while i am studying. By no means am i asking this so that i can blast or harm my corals by 24/hr lighting. It is quite pasifying and calming to admire my tank while being so stressed from the week. =D ooooo the benefits of a saltwater tank....
others not in this hobby really cannot appreciate the benefits (despite monitary set backs
) of a nice saltwater tank.
the livestock i bought this weekend puts off some beautiful shades of green and I hope I can find some pretty corals to add by everyone's comments to add and broaden my array of colors at night
Thanks all!!!


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Isn't this a bit of an oxymoron? This is one trend I really don't like, with some 'moonlights' rivaling actnics for their brightness. If you want to run actnics for a bit for a dawn/dusk effect, by all means, but some of these ridiculously bright 'moonlights' all night long? Give the corals a rest! Has anyone actually been on a reef/in the ocean at night?
I like watching the HD channel and one show was called blue world I think, anyway they said the ocean is never dark. The glowing creatures create light at night and the reef is shallow and there is plenty of light from the moon when it is out.
I did find it very interesting that the creatures that glow are mostly predators, they draw the fish close using their light, to eat them. The documentary said the reef is never completely dark.
Personally coral don't have eyes. They feed on a certain light, not the moonlights we are using. So the coral doesn't even acknowledge such light. My corals close up and rest while the moonlights are on and come out a short while when the lights come on the next morning. So they must be getting the rest they need.
The fish hide in the rockwork and aren't bothered by the moonlights, it did take my serpent stars a bit to trust moonlights and come out, but they are used to it now and don't care.
I get to see their world at night. I work the night shift, 10:00 Pm to 6:00 AM, and I am up at night more than the day. I wouldn't get to see much of my tank at all if it wern't for moonlights.
If I do my regular lights at night, which is what I used to do... I had to block all the light during the day so the coral could rest. The daylight did cause them to stay out even though the direct light wasn't hitting the tank.
IMO moonlights are great!


New Member
i totally agree, the only time i am home and my polyps seem come out on my sun coral is at night. Unfortunately i have to stay up to spot feed them when they open up ...oh well. but they are wonderful! school has turned me nocternal. if it werent for the moonlights i'd probably be unaware of this and have a dying sun coral... which is far too unique (in color for my tank) to lose!
I plan on making a night dive trip this summer one way or another (at the moment i have family living near the red sea and hope to make a night dive there this summer). If i am fortunate enough i will attempt to get some sort of film or pictures to post. Maybe even some ideas for my tank.?!??


Originally Posted by hillbillyaq
So I am also wanting to expand my corals by adding those which seem to "glow" under moonlights. The corals I have up to now have been pretty bland and now that i have gone frag happy i am now seeing that some corals really glisten under moonlights. Does anyone have any favorites which stand out under moonlights?
I just bought a red Mushroom coral and it is the brightest thing in my tank under the moonlights. I really like the colors.