Most expensive death?


In light of my own little fishy death this weekend I was just curious what others have lost in the past. The most expensive fish(or invert), and the most unique.
The most expensive for me was a flame angel and the most unique was the black and white clown I lost this weekend.
note* (I'm not trying to celebrate the fact that these fish have died in my custody... I'm just curious to see what others have been through.)


well as everybody here that have a succesfull tank i learn from the hard way. i lost a regal tang, yellow tang, 2 clown fish, a cleaner shrimp, 2 damnsel, 2 royal gramma.
and advise to those with new tank and they saw finding nemo. it is almost imposible to have those fish in the same tank. specialy if you only have a 55g, 75g.
i lost them becasue my cycle wasnt finish and they all die the same day. execpt for a cleaner shrimpo that survive and it is now on my 75g.


Active Member
My lfs had a buy 2 get 1 free sale on all fish coral and liverock, we got there about first right when the store opened and hurried up and got like 6 peices of coral 1 clam and a few sponges. While my mom was waiting at in line I ran back to grab a few brine shrimp and there was about a 16 yr. old girl with her mom and 5 yr. old sister, they continued to pick 9 fish from th finding nemo movie they said we only want the fish from nemo. The fish were a longnose butterfly, 6 inch blue hippo tang, 2 clowns, 1 damsel, 1 morish idol, and a few other fish that I can't remember. I asked the lady what size tank she had and she said a 29 gallon. I told her she is geting way to many fish and most of them will out grow your tank. She said I'm am sick of everybody telling me that, my fish do fine. Then the guy asked her what size tank ( because he was putting air in one of the bags so he didn't here us before) was and she a 180 gal. I thought what a lier, she said that so he will let her buy those fish. Sorry to get a little of topic.


Active Member
I just lost a fire shrimp to my long tentacle anemone. It ate better than I do (much more expensive meal)!


i had a heniocus butterfly a adult it died and it cost $40 its not alot compared to purple tangs and such but that is the most expansiveiest that died on me


Active Member
probly a 40$ BTA that i got when i started. 30w under 20g isnt enough to keep LR

jimmy g

My carpet ate 3 green chromis last week $12
kole tang $24
Female clown jumping ship $16
Not loosing a fish for the past year....Priceless. lol


i think mine was a coper band and he was only 35 but my dad has lost some that were way up tehre just recently he put in the magnificent fox face that was 90 adn then it didnt want to eat


$80 for a Koran? Was it an adult? :eek: I have my juvi Koran, and I paid $35 at my LFS. They're $29 on this site. Anyway, my most expensive loss was a raccoon butterfly - $39.


Active Member
I think it's his sister...He told me she was single...:jumping:
Back on topic...$89.95 for a Harliquin Tusk that jumped ship...:mad:


Active Member
When I was first getting started years ago the LFS dude sold me an emporer angel to cycle my tank with
I was still in undergrad and took his word as gospel until about 2 wks later....
It was a lovely fish, full color and about 6 inches long.


$199 for Starry puffer that I bought for my "Puffer Project". It died from some kind of internal bacterial infection. It was doing fine for about a week, and then suddenly started to swell up like a balloon. Sad....
But, fortunately my Map puffer, which is the most expensive fish I've ever bought, is doing just great. I've also lost Clown trigger, Harlequin Tusk, and Yellow fuzzy Dwarf Lion...each of which costs around $100.


Active Member
cocoa worm $80.00, featherduster 10.00, trumpet coral 40.00, all in the same week. forgot elegance coral 40.00, and sea fan $25.00also in that week