Most Expensive Fish?


Active Member
22 for an orange spotted diamond goby :)
not a rare fish, not a saught-after fish, but an awsome fish? YES!


50 dollars fro a 4 inch powder brown tang. hes wroth everey penny i spent. lots of life, very colorful , always swimming out in the open. :happy:


The most I have spent is $40 on a sweet Radiant Wrasse. Love him, eating the baby bristle worms like nobodies business. The owner of one of the LFS here spent $1200 on a 2" Gem tang, saw him the other day, pretty cool. But $1200! No Way.


the amounts i quoted were aus dollars...we sell powderblues for $150 AUD...see we buy them for the same as u guys but then we need to sell them, and with imports we can lose a few so we up the price more and they just become anywhere from 100-200, but we sell quite alot. i earn bout $400 a week and live at home so it is affordable for me...the joy i get out of this hobby is more than money can pay 4..... u shouldnt let money control ur life, so if i want something i save till i can afford a student i have spent around 7-8 thousand on my tank in 12 months and i still wanna get a calcium reactor which will be another $1200.
i just paid $100 AUD (retail was $180) for a flame angel...and its the center piece of my tank...worth every dollar
also just paid $60 AUD (retail $180) 4 a cleaner shrimp and $60 AUD (retail $180) for a maxima clam.
i know it sounds like a lot and it is....but the demand is just not as high here in aus as it is in the US :(


it probably is cheaper to import them to myself but im not sure how to do it and i dont have a qt facility to handle a large number of fish as i would try and order all in one....but if anyone knows of a way for me to import by myself i would be interested......some ppl in the states have offered to buy and then send them to me but who do u trust, know wat i mean....can they even trust me for example...i dont know...really my tank is almost complete anywayz...when i get my upgrade which i hope to make a 200-300 gallon sps with tangs and anthias then i might look on to it.
btw i had a lobouti wrasse that i picked up for $20 AUD retail....u guys in the states pay $200 US
at the mo i have a purple queen anthia that i paid $25 AUD...not sure wat u's pay though
local stuff is alot cheaper.


Hey gasguzzler, I see you are located in Goffstown, NH. I live in good old ManchVegas. Where to you go for your fish?


I dropped $100.00 for a Chevron Tang. I love this fish. And surprisingly, he gets along fine with my Purple Tang.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sharkbyte1023
I have spent $1200 on a conspic angel...$200 on a goldflake angel...$180 on a japanese blue line angel and i got lucky and got a red rhino for $65 from a store with no clue. At this point all are doing well.



haha freshwater has some that are much more expensive. some arowanas can cost you up to 2 grand.


i agree with exile , arowanas are the most expensive fish ive seen , but they sell for $49 when they are 3-5 inches and shoot up to $2000+ as adults. they are admired most buy asians/orientals because they belive that they bring good luck "lucky dragon".


Active Member
i bought a silver arowana for a feshwater tank that is now houseing an albino tiger oscar. Unfortunaly, my tank cracked and leaked and he didnt survive :-(
He was like 3 inches and only 15 bucks though!
there is a chinese resuturant that i know of that has like a 120 gallon tank proabbly with an austrailian and a silver arowana that are close to 18 inches probably


New Member
i got my rhinopius scorpions for $60, $32 for blue face angelfish, $32 for majestic angelfish. Im from philippines i just convert the price to $. Pretty cheap huh. but they are good


I spent $150 on a green moray eel, and another $150 on a clown trigger. Tho i was some how able to get those prices down to $75, each.


Active Member
the most expensive thing that i spent on a live rock 5.5punds for 45 bucks and most expensive fish is 15buks lol!!


Originally Posted by Harlequinnut
My most expensive fish was a 5-6" Harlequin Tusk for $125 bought 4 years ago, had him for 3 years before he died of ick.
Those are hardy fish and I'm glad to hear that you had him for 3 years.


Originally Posted by Aidos
i can get Koi $200AUD each h*
i guess every country has it benifits

Koi can sell from 1 USD to tens of thousands. I'm not quite sure what kind of benefit you're talking about.