Most Expensive Livestock Purchase???


What is your most expensive livestock purchase to date? How much did you shell out for a single fish or a single coral?
I have bought a $150 anemone...that is my most expensive livestock purchase to date!

bang guy

I would pay $10,000.00 for a pair of Leafy Seadragons.
The most I've actually paid was $100 for a Ricordea.


most expensive fish: $75 Sailfin Tang and $75 Blonde Naso
most expensive coral: $295 for a large SPS colony (SHHH, my husband things it was only $95) $80 for a single head of golden torch
$80 for one rainbow acan head, couple SPS are in the $80 range too
most expensive purchase at one time: $150lbs of LR at $10/lb
We are lucky, we have some really expensive pieces and fish, but the LFS that is closest to us has amazing prices. We also know a lot of people in the hobby, so I have pieces that are worth more than double what I actually paid.
I would easily pay more money for the right piece.


Well-Known Member

It all depends on how you look at it....
My most expensive purchase was a LTA I got for $70.00; it ate over $500.00 worth of fish over the 3 years I kept it.
In my freshwater tank I purchased 4 little algae eaters for a .25 each. They killed my $100.00 angel fish, adult angels have slime on them and those little devils thought it was tasty.
The most I ever paid for a fish was $119.00 for a flame angel.
The most I ever paid for a coral was $90.00 for a big rock loaded with mushrooms.


To date my most expensive purchase was for a Blonde Naso Tang at $75. It lasted 4 months and expired. It seemed to be unhealthy from the get go and I suspect that it was a result of cyanide poisoning.
I plan on beating that price and buying a Blueface Angelfish in 3-4 months after I move. I've seem some beauties at my LFS going for $200.


Active Member
i must have too much money.not
$350 golden puffer
$250 show size achilles tang
$220 fowleri tang
$300 gold flake angel
$175 harliquin tusk
i have quite a few corals most were $60 each.
come to think about it now i know why i am always broke

shrimpy brains

Wow, Bang! I was thinking $100 was a lot for a ricordia, but that is beautiful!!

Most expensive purchase? I'm trying to think of what that would be.
I did pay $75 for a Tomini Tang, but I never got it (the lfs had it in their frag tank) They couldn't catch it without ripping the tank apart, so I got a couple of mushrooms and a Midas Blenny instead. Other than that, most fish I have were $50 or less.
I did get a 13 head Duncan for $99.00 plus shipping. I guess that is the most I spent on 1 thing!


Active Member
Fish was probably 135 (includes shipping) for my 4-5" yellow belly blue hippo which I was VERY happy with when it came.
Coral -- probably 80 bucks for a pretty nice sized Acan colony.
I've gotten a lot of free stuff, nice trades and now I only trade coral and I'm stocked a little heavy on fish so about the only purchases now are replacement hermits/snails/or shrimp.
Yeah I would say this hobby is AT LEAST twice as expensive as you think going into it.


ermm, im in the UK so if you wanna do the maths and translate the currency then go for it lol,
but i once bought a blueface angel for £105
lasted about 2 weeks, then died. wat a waste lol


Active Member
I would have to call myself a cheapskate at this point in time, the most I have paid for a fish is the $51.99 that I paid over the weekend for our 3"ish powder blue tang. There are a lot of fish that I would love to buy that are WAYYYYYY more expensive, but I either don't have the proper tank (we saw a queen trigger that was probably 18" or so for $395 that had quite the personality over the weekend) or they would incompatible my current livestock (a 12-14" guinea fowl puffer that was going for $395 I think...not sure).

scopus tang

Active Member
Have two corals that are tied at the top @ $350.
The Open Brain, I traded some other coral in and purchased;

The bowerbankii is about as big as the top of a tennis ball;

Beyond that, I've spend $90+ shipping on some single polyps of certain zoas.


Active Member
for me is was 700 for a very large chalice colony. this was before people really knew about or boughtor picked up chalices.


Active Member
I guess if we are going on an inch for inch or LB for LB scale on most expensive would be my green/blue paly grandis at 50$ a polyp.
cant find the picture right now.


Active Member
We just accidently killed our most expensive fish.... I can't even talk about it yet. I almost ditched the hobby and ran.
I feel nauseous.

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by Cranberry
We just accidently killed our most expensive fish.... I can't even talk about it yet. I almost ditched the hobby and ran.
I feel nauseous.
So sorry, Renee!


My most expensive is my jeweled moray eel, $275: $150 for him and another $125 for the clown trigger he killed.
