Most humane way to euthanize a fish?

Ok wlle mr. chromis is geeting worse and now he is at the bottom of the tank with a huge infectuion thing and his fins are disentigrating. i will take a picture but how should i kill him because i dont want ot kill any other tank inhabitants?


Active Member
I like Ms-222, or Finquel. It's available from a few online fish sites. But if you are looking to end life in short order (faster than buying something online and having it shipped), I would look to your LFS for Euthanase or your health store for pure Clove Oil.


Not sure what to tell you, but is sounds like mr chromis is doing very poorly, i would remove him.
As for what to do w him, thats up to you. you can choose to let him be or you can assist him.
however its your choice
--Renee provided you similar choices as well.
Euthanasia in Fish
Euthanasia is the event of a gentle painless death. In mammals, euthanasia is usually accomplished by an overdose of an anesthetic agent. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Panel on Euthanasia lists acceptable methods of euthanasia for fish. The method accepted by fish veterinarians is an overdose of the anesthetic tricaine methanesulfonate (MS-222). Triple2 is available in small hobbyist size aliquots from a few online aquatic vendors. Follow the manufacturers guidelines for either anesthesia or euthanasia doses. A quick point about Triple2 for fish euthanasia, be aware it quickly depresses the pH of your water. To offset this pH drop add sodium bicarbonate to the water to ensure a less stressful passing.
Two other methods have been suggested but are considerably more difficult to perform; stunning (by a blow to the head) and decapitation. Hypothermia (chilling, freezing) is not considered humane when used as the sole method of euthanasia because the animal is not rendered insensible to pain rapidly enough. If you cant get Triple2 or don’t want to decapitate your fish, here are a few alternatives.
Euthanasia of Fish at Home

Clove oil works very well in fish anesthesia, and is available from specialty stores or pharmacies. Clove oil is not water-soluble but can be rendered soluble by first dissolving it in ethanol, then using this stock diluted in cold water (about 1 ml per gallon, or 1/4 teaspoon per gallon). Submerge the fish in a bag of water and add 1 capful every 3-4 minutes. Clove oil works fairly quickly, as you will notice its effects, by the fish slowing its respiration, then loose buoyancy or lay sideways, then becomes motionless.
Next, carbon dioxide gas can be used as euthanasia for fish. To generate carbon dioxide in water, dissolve 2 or more tablets/liter (8 tablets/gallon) of Alka-Seltzer® tablets with the fish submerged in a covered bowl or bag. Try to keep the bubbling away from its gills while its falls asleep.
Be aware that the fish undergoing euthanasia will initially exhibit a bout of hyper-excitement as their nerves are stimulated. Lastly, after you euthanize your fish, place it in the freezer to ensure death.


Active Member
Isolating this fish and treating it with clove oil would be the most humane method of euthanasia. The oil is an anesthetic and will remove all of the fish's pain until it goes into a deep sleep. To make sure it never wakes up from that sleep, you can add some alcohol to the water.
That is if you are really wanting to be humane. However since clove oil probably isn't approved by the FDA and isn't very readily available, If you have some strong alcohol (like vodka) you can fill a container with it and then drop the fish into it (head-first). You could also do this with very cold water (ice water). I do not recommend putting the fish into the freezer full of water. I can't prove that this would be a sucky way to die as a fish, but I suspect it is.


Active Member
Shocking the fish with alcohol is (imo) pretty humane. If you do decide to take this route, make sure you use something with a high alcohol concentration (ie not wine).


Active Member
i remember when i started this hobby when i was 14.i had a cinnamon clown that had lympho so bat i couldnt tell he was red.i took my red rider bb rifle and shot him.just a that was 27 yrs ago.damn i am getting old.


Active Member
I've euthanized freshwater fish by using baking soda and lowering the PH to 7.2. Not sure how it would work for saltwater though.


Active Member
well you sure think like a 15 yr old.ever seen old yeller ?
how long does it take to use chemicals?bb gun= instant duh
are you suggesting someone go on a 9mm rampage to healthy pets?


Well-Known Member
I would put the fish in it's own container to live out its last "breath" then send it to heaven by toilet.
no i havenet seen old yeller. but i think it is cruel to shoot the fish anyway because it might not kill it. but anyeay the deed in qestion is done. i used alchohol to put him to rip. RIP MR chromis.


Sorry james.....I had to do this not too long ago....but I just happened to have Clove Oil.....I put the fish in a container with tank water and added the clove oil, and it went to sleep
I have to say though....I felt a little bad...BUT I HATED THE FISH.....


YES it was....I had it in a 10G, and my NOT SO LFS in Texas moved and had not set up his tanks I had no where to bring it.....It kept getting sick, I am thinking cause the 10G was too small.....even though I did frequent water changes, and fed it well with vitamins
well I kept nursing it back to health, and the last time....I decided was the last I put it out of it's and my misery
I now have the 10 G with all my "EXTRA" Kenya tree...LOL....