Most inverts dying....


Looking for a suggestions on this one..... My tank is more than 5 years old. It is a 72 gal with a 40 gal connected to same water system that has seahorses in it. about three weeks ago I did one of my standard 30 gal water changes and everything started going south.
1st notices all my mushrooms (which have pretty much taken over the tank and have ben VERY healthy for a few years) stayed all shrunken up like they are at night.
The the next week my coral banded shrimp dies. Then I notice my purple brittle star not acting right and not eating. My large turbo snail in the SH tank is very sick, not moving. I also noticed about 4-5 snails in the main tank upside down and looking pretty dead. My cleaner shrimp and black star seem OK so far. None of the fish or the seahores seem to be affected.
I tested Amonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, Alk 9.12.
I took a sample of my tank water to the LFS and they said that it tested positive for copper. They used a kit from Instant Ocean. I bought an API and a Seachem kit. When I got home they both tested NEGITIVE! I put poly filter and another metal absorbing material in my canister they gave me, so hopfully that will help.
My biggest consern is why is the other two tests going negitve? I want to test my RO water setup to make sure my source water is not doing it, but how can I fix it if I can't test it? Anyone have any suggestions on a better test kit?
Any other ideas besides copper that could be causing this that I can test for? My entire take is dying in front of me and it is very depressing....


Active Member
The API kit can't read low enough to help the inverts it will just read down to 0.5ppm a copper treatment level. Natural Seawater is 0.003ppm so you can be lower than the test kit can read but still kill inverts. The Seachem kit is better but still just not low enough.


Active Member
I have not used it but the doc’s read 0.05ppm and that is darn close to the level most salt-mixes mix out at 0.03ppm. Thanks Bang…


Tested your trace minerals/CA and iodine? inverts require a stable Salinity and iodine I think it is for successful molting which can kill them. Have you changed your bulbs lately? how often do you change your lighting?

bang guy

In my experience more hobbiests have killed their inverts with Iodine than have helped them. Crustaceans do NOT require Iodine to molt. That is a myth.


salinity has been stable around 1.024-1.025. I went to test iodine last night, but needed distilled water, will get some today and test. I'm going to bring water samples to another LFS today to see if there is any difference in their testing.......thanks for the replys.


Active Member
What color is your polyfilter now? Keep an eye out for a bluish tinge, even light at this point.
Have you added any brass fittings to your tank?


I dont' have brass fittings on the tank, but there are brass fittings on the mixing tank. Can brass leach copper? I also took a sample of water directly from my RO unit. It tested positive, so I purchased new mechancal, carbon and DI. Do I need to replace my membrane as well? What part of the RO unit removes the copper?


Active Member
Yes, Brass is probably one of the most common sources of copper getting into our tanks. But if you have copper directly out of your RO unit, that is certainly an issue. Primarily change your RO membrane, but I would probably change everything. How old is your RO unit? Is it specifically for your tank, or is it plumbed into a sink for example. Are the tubes out of the RO non-metallic?
But I would remove any brass from things used for the tank. Polyfilters will turn pale blue (potentially robin's egg blue) with copper.


Originally Posted by chadg
I dont' have brass fittings on the tank, but there are brass fittings on the mixing tank. Can brass leach copper? I also took a sample of water directly from my RO unit. It tested positive, so I purchased new mechancal, carbon and DI. Do I need to replace my membrane as well? What part of the RO unit removes the copper?
Brass it just a copper zink aloy so yes it can and will leach copper.


OK, I changed all filters and membrane. At the LFS it tested at 0 for copper! I'm still not sure I trust the tests though. The poly filter has not changed color to indicate it ever pulled out copper. I have done a 15 gal change (with distilled water from target) and a 35 gal change on Monday with my new RO/DI setup. Doing another 35 change tonight. I'll bring a sample to the LFS tomorrow and see there is any copper.
There is a very slight change for the positive in some mushrooms, my star is just still in the same place that it has been for days and my large turbo snail is moving around more. So, I think it is working, but not sure. Shoudl they all bounce back once the copper is out, or is it just going to depend for each individual?
Thanks for all the input. I"m also going to work on getting rid of my brass fittings....