most unusual aggressive sea creature


i have a twenty gallon i want to put something out of this world weird in it. i am prepaired to upgrade, i have my dads 120 in the garage... but before that i can go to a 55 bowfront.. any ideas. SOMETHING THAT IS REALLY UNUSUAL AND CAN BE IN A TWENTY FOR AT LEAST 2 MONTHS TILL I SET UP SOMETHING BIGGER. thank you all in advance


Well-Known Member
rhinopias, depending on which one you get stay relatively small. Frogfish get up to 1 1/2ft. and I have no clue about anglers.


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
rhinopias, depending on which one you get stay relatively small. Frogfish get up to 1 1/2ft. and I have no clue about anglers.
There are some frogfish that stay in the 3-4 inch range. Wartskin is one Antennarius maculatus
There are a couple of nice ones that stay small.


Active Member
doubt it. they are two categories of mantis- "slashers" and "smashers". they are also referred to as thumbsplitters.
dont think i need to go into it more than that!


Well-Known Member
nope, he wasn't kidding.
yeah, some frogfish do stay small.
I would never feed live foods, ever. Then you can not feed them bits of raw shrimp ever again. They will hold out for live foods and even starve to death for it.
plus, live foods introduce disease into a system at some point or another.


get an octopus an obreirus would be ok in a 55 gal for a while till you set up the 120. Go to the invert section ask about octos an you'll get some sweet vids and pics and once you get the octo in to the 120 you could get a angler and put it in to the 55

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by draconis321
get an octopus an obreirus would be ok in a 55 gal for a while till you set up the 120. Go to the invert section ask about octos an you'll get some sweet vids and pics and once you get the octo in to the 120 you could get a angler and put it in to the 55
I wouldn't suggest an octopus for someone who is inexperienced with them or the hobby, they need special requirements and an experienced hobbiest, but that is JMO.