Mother's weapon of choice.


im 17. when i was growning up my dad used a belt and my mom use a hickory stick.. simalar to a switch but a hickory stick is thin tough, and makes that "swoosh" sound when u swing it. I had my share a spankings and beatings and ill say, other than getting blamed for something my sister did, i deserved every one of them..i think its a good strategy and children should fear their elders in order to respect their elders. Some people take it too far but parents shouldnt be afraid to pop their kids on the rump when they deserve it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keleighr
i told my daughter she can call the police on me
but she better believe it will be real worth it for me to go to jail.
my daughter has no idea what a "beating" is. She has never experianced a real beating in her life
but if you want to make me i can threat right back
i said that to my dad once. He handed me the phone and then said, go ahead i'll dial for ya but as soon as your done you better run 'cause i need to make sure going to jail will be worth it. i learned not to be such a smart

. My mom used the fly swatter but always used the rubber end till she heard us laughing afterward one time. Then she turned it over


I got burned w/ a lit cigar
My moms favorite was wooden spoon and if I managed to dodge the swing I got MANY more....
My dad liked to use the belt 2 different ways...
#1 he would pull it out real fast so it made the slappy swoosh noise (all you can hear it now)
#2 he would make me undo the belt pull it out and hand it to that was TORTURE on me....


I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone..a wooden spoon,wire hanger were favorites of dear old mom if we could be took his belt off a few times..
I'm not into coproal punishment ..but keleighr and I have similiar thoughts !!


Originally Posted by keleighr
i told my daughter she can call the police on me
but she better believe it will be real worth it for me to go to jail.
my daughter has no idea what a "beating" is. She has never experianced a real beating in her life
but if you want to make me i can threat right back
That is so funny ! My mom told me that if I could make it past her to the phone then it was all mine ! Oh and DOGSTAR maybe in your house it was a "spanking" but in mine it was a beating !!!
I also remember the great words that came out of Nancy's mouth like, "Your ass is grassed and I'm the lawn mower ! " Oh and everyone remembers the " Stop that crying before I give you something to really CRY about ! "


My parents were purists and used their hands. I don't remember it ever hurting, but I do remember the distinct taste of palmolive, and ivory soap. I'll take a spanking with a belt, a switch, a lead pipe, a cast iron skillet, or anything else, as long as I don't have to put soap in my mouth

darth tang

Active Member
My mom's weapon of dad.
Just wait till your dad gets home. Then my brother and I would sit in our rooms playing nicely hoping we could be good enough to make mom forget. Only worked a few my dad's belt hurt. I remember my brother laughed at my dad once when he got the belt. The pants came down and belt went on bare butt......he never laughed


Originally Posted by keleighr
i told my daughter she can call the police on me
but she better believe it will be real worth it for me to go to jail.
I did the same thing to my niece (who was living with me and my wife at the time) after giving her a smack across the face. I reminded her that AFTER she got out of the hospital they would put her in a foster home, not send her back to my comfy home. She got the message.
Not even a month later she wrote me a letter telling me how much she appreciated what I did and that it woke her up. Today she's a beautiful, respectful, hardworking 19 year old.
Oh, and my dad, an ex boxing champ, used to grab me and my brother by our throats and pin us to the wall.

darth tang

Active Member
My brother threatened to call the cops once. lol. My dad loaded us both up in the car and drove us to the police station (military police) got out, openned my brother's door, looked at him and said, "Well, there they are. Go tell them.". LOL.
My brother never got out of the car.


Active Member
kids these day have no frickin idea what it was like.
Exactly to being sent to their room........please TV and all that crud.
We have removed it form my oldest daughter's room for that exact reason.
Room is not to go and have fun!


I'm 20 and I got my fair share. My mom's was definately a wooden spoon or hanger. She'd hit us then when we'd laugh she couldn't resist but to laugh also. Her only real control was "wait till your dad gets home" we were terrified the rest of the night till he got home. It sucks when you get a spankin 5 hours later for something you did ha ha. Kids today need to get there a$$es whooped.


Active Member
I'm 14 and when I was little they spanked me and what ever but for me it wasn't as bad when they took away stuff. When they said you can't go outside for 2 months. That sucked, also no guitar, no friends, to school back homework bed. My grandpa told me though how he smacked my mom with and iron cord(didn't have the covering then) and it would suck.


Active Member
The sad thing is if someone tried to whoop my -$$(except for my dad) I would whoop theres and knock them out. I'm not a hard core kid I just don't take crap from people unless it's a joke. Me and my dad used to wrestle and we got really into it, I kicked him in the shin and he tried to deck me in the face. I think kids who deserve it get it, the pain isn't as bad as when they take away stuff in my opinion.


My dad used the paddle he used to get smacked with in high school
(he stole it). Mom used a tornado of hands, F5 style! She would just start swingin' and I would usually take it in the neck and chest. Worst neck chop to date. Just could not get out of the way fast enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cheyco
Hi. Sister in law and I were talking tonight about childhood beating. Yes, back then they were beatings.....
So were you "beat" or were you spanked?
Big difference....


My kids have no idea what a spanking is, they were pretty good. But my sister and brother-in-law have a teenage daughter, she snuck out of the house and stole the family suburban for a joy ride. Mom and dad found out she was gone in the middle of the night, and went to look for her. They found her drinkin and smokin with friends in a secluded cemetary, (popular with the kids) the daughter saw them coming and took off in the suburban knocking over headstones and really making a mess of both the truck and lot. well she was caught eventually and the dad pulled her out of the car. The daughter was mouthy and tried to hit her mom, so the dad slapped her across the face They all went home that night and the daughter snuck out again to a friends house and called the police saying, her dad beat her.
12,000 dollars and months later (these are not rich people) the social services people gave the other children BACK to the parents with an apology that they now realize the daughter was lying.
The daughter is back w/ her parents. . .DRIVING!
Now I'd beat her! :mad: