Mourning the loss of my...

We went on our boat to P Town Mass and it must have been sucked up by the protein skimmmer. Found a couple bits and pieces but chucked them.
Guess that is what you get for having an inexperienced person watching over you tank.
Adam :( :( :(


Active Member
Sorry to hear your loss. I hate going away for even a day or two, wondering what is going to go wrong while I'm away.
found out too that if my brother had half a brain it never would have happened. He saw it on the p head and thought nothing was wrong.


Active Member
Hate when that happens. I had an incident where I asked a friend to feed my fish on my FW tank before I got into SW. I took a 35mm film container and put a small amount of food in it, showed it to him and told him to feed about the same amount that was in it each day while I was gone. He said no prob, that he had owned fish before, blah, blah, blah....
When I got back my tank was FULL of food. He was filling the entire film cannister EACH DAY....
He said it seemed like alot to him too.....
I didn't even bother trying to explain. He no longer takes care of my things while I am gone.
Luckily after cleaning the filters numerous times and doing about a 99% water change, things got back to normal and nothing perished. Can't imagine him doing that to my SW tank...
That bad part is you can't exactly knock em upside the much as you would like to.


Active Member
Before I went away in July for 4 says I spent 2 weeks getting all my tanks ready for those 4 days. Cleaned every filter in every tank, new pads. Same with skimmers. I wanted no chance of filters backing up and knew 4 days was safe if all the filters were recently cleaned. Had a friend of wifes handle one feeding while I was gone and had him over once to show him how and what to do. He also fed our 2 cats every day and had our phone number if he needed advice. It is hard to enjoy time away when you keep thinking wjat may happen (power outage, pump failure, cats). I found when I came home every powerstrip was pushed out from back of tanks (cats for sure were checking things out to). But everything was fine (for a change).
I had my neighbor take care of the tank but my brother was the one that noticed the anemone.
For Feeding I put small amounts of every kind of food I have and put them into to bags and inot the freezer. I feed every other day. Then I hid the rest of the food and typed out a sheet of what to do every day every other day.
My brother is an idiot.


Active Member
What disappoints me is how often Anemones get sucked into powerheads.
I would think by now that anemone purchasers would take the proper steps to protect theie investment and our oceans livestock.
Are you trying to say that I was an idiot and did not take the proper precauctions.
I read on how to take care of it,
I have caps on the power heads.
The anemone found its own place to root and stay.
It is not my fault it decided to move when I went on vaca.
And I am not the reason for my brothers stupidity and my neighbors inexperience.
Are you telling me I should go out and find an experience professional I do not know to come into my house every day to take care of a tank.
Please I do not have much patience today.
But do humor me and tell us how many times you have falled.
BurnNSPY no offense but ever since I joined here you have shone some signs of ignorance thta you are high and mighty that knows all and should be worshoped.


Active Member
You decided to let your tank be supervised by your brother and neighbor.
And a professional would be my choice too.
PS. I wrote an article of confession already and never said I was perfect as a reef keeper.
Obviously you would Burn you are content in the two hobies I wish I could both afford.
Marine tanks: you May have a smaller tank than me but your equipment looks more high tech. Lets see how many thousands of dallars did that cost.
Radio Controled Helis: How many of those do you have. I have always wanted one but they are like 700-1000+ $.
So of course you get the professional.
I have met a professional and we had talked to him before I set up my tank.
He sort of is a friend with my father but I hate him he is a prick.
He discouraged me on the hobbie told me because I am a "kid" I could not do it thaought I would get tired of it.
This hobbie has so many surprises it will never get boring.
Oh I clean my tank 3 times a day. I also have to practice the violin and piano every day a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Now that schools starts I will be away from 7 - 2 every day. Plus music lessons both instruments once a week and art classed once a week.
And hopfully I will be getting a job to.
Adam :D :mad:
Oh and um, I did not leave the tank in charge of my brother. Only my neighbor.
[ September 03, 2001: Message edited by: Salisbury A D ]
Never mind about you having more high tech equipment, I was wrong. My setup is more organized and I have a stand for my tank.
Hand crafted specifically for the tank by my Father. And my lights do not sit atop two by fours. My tank has a background and is cleaner. Is that a skilter?
Ps now I am done.


Active Member
Adam, You can learn a lot from me if you had the patients.
Everything I have I earned and saved a long time to get. Being in the military means I get paid rather poorly for what I am trained to do.
My reef is a very successful one indeed, I have only lost very few creatures. My Mandarin died when my tank overheated, my wife accidentally unplugged the tank fan and it got over 100 degrees. My clam was eaten by a flatworm I didnt even know was in the tank until it was too late. My Frogspawn got brown jelly infection and died, reason unknown.
As I have stated many times, reef equipment only needs to be basic. I only run 2 power filters(~$40.00) for flow(no filtration in place, the skilter was on sale and is a good pump), 1 powerhead($20.00), an airlift skimmer($30.00) and 1 MH kit($170.00).
I clean the tank glass every other month, test for alkalinity and calcium once a week and change 2 gallons every Sunday.
I will be buying my wife a Lexus RX300 soon, It took me 7 years to save up enough money to do and it will be paid for in full. I have Platinum credit cards, none with money owed on them. This is a lesson most people can learn from, but don't have the disclipline to follow.
These are the values given to me by my parents. When I set up the 125 gallon tank which I have had for over 4 yrs it will be right because of much research and much saving.
Burn. I am sorry if I came on to hard. I have had the worst summer.
It is just that when you post you sometimes type a few sentences but space them apart
to make it look big. Usually you leave me and most likely other people hanging there because you didn't post enough.
And you are usually trying to make it like you are the only one right, no offense but like my brother. It is not easy being the youngest child.
I just recently got my first brake and was given 2500$ but only get to keep 500 because am investing it.
I am also going to try and sell my pc's on the bb to get me an extra 150 so I can get the 600 dollar light hood I want and a clean up crew.