Adam, You can learn a lot from me if you had the patients.
Everything I have I earned and saved a long time to get. Being in the military means I get paid rather poorly for what I am trained to do.
My reef is a very successful one indeed, I have only lost very few creatures. My Mandarin died when my tank overheated, my wife accidentally unplugged the tank fan and it got over 100 degrees. My clam was eaten by a flatworm I didnt even know was in the tank until it was too late. My Frogspawn got brown jelly infection and died, reason unknown.
As I have stated many times, reef equipment only needs to be basic. I only run 2 power filters(~$40.00) for flow(no filtration in place, the skilter was on sale and is a good pump), 1 powerhead($20.00), an airlift skimmer($30.00) and 1 MH kit($170.00).
I clean the tank glass every other month, test for alkalinity and calcium once a week and change 2 gallons every Sunday.
I will be buying my wife a Lexus RX300 soon, It took me 7 years to save up enough money to do and it will be paid for in full. I have Platinum credit cards, none with money owed on them. This is a lesson most people can learn from, but don't have the disclipline to follow.
These are the values given to me by my parents. When I set up the 125 gallon tank which I have had for over 4 yrs it will be right because of much research and much saving.