Moving my tank..


I'm moving my tank in 2 weeks (only 5 minutes down the road, so it's a short distance). I've got a 40 gal FOWLR with around 30 lbs of live rock, and an inch of live sand. My fish are 2 false perc clownfish, 1 valentini puffer, 1 lawnmower blenny. I have an Octopus HOB protein skimmer and an Eheim Canister Filter. How should I go about doing this without disturbing things?


Active Member
Put the fish in plastic bags (or a separate container). Put your liverock in a bucket and cover them with tank water. Drain all of the water out of the tank except for maybe an inch above the sand. Move the tank, with the sand in it. Put the rock back in, then the water, then the fish....

I did this with a 55 gal. and had no losses.


Originally Posted by T316
Put the fish in plastic bags (or a separate container). Put your liverock in a bucket and cover them with tank water. Drain all of the water out of the tank except for maybe an inch above the sand. Move the tank, with the sand in it. Put the rock back in, then the water, then the fish....

I did this with a 55 gal. and had no losses.
+1...worked for my 54g...No losses either


New Member
I also am about to move a 55gal and a 30gal. I'm gonna have to do one at a time, but I've moved the 30 before with no losses, so I expect none this time. I put fish in one bucket with water, rock in a large trashbag with water inside of a large styrofoam box. The move is only ~5 minutes down the road, so this is good enough for me. I even transport as much tank water as I can so I don't have to add too much new water once I set the tank back up.


do i have to worry about my cycles getting reset or anything like that? and what about filling it with new water, is that going to mess with anything?


Active Member
One thing I forgot....If you have some new salt water on hand, then once you get to the new location, before you put anything back in the tank, drain out that 1" of water that you left in the tank, and replace with new. That 1" of water was just to keep the sand covered, but during the move it's going to slosh around and be really cloudy and loaded with ammonia by the time you get to the new location, even if it is only 5 mins away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wpost2
do i have to worry about my cycles getting reset or anything like that? and what about filling it with new water, is that going to mess with anything?
No on the cycle, but I would use as much of the old water as I could. If you have some clean 5 gal buckets, move as much of that old water over as possible. Remember, any new water you add has to match the old (temp, salinity, etc.), which is why it's better to transfer the water too.


Originally Posted by T316
No on the cycle, but I would use as much of the old water as I could. If you have some clean 5 gal buckets, move as much of that old water over as possible. Remember, any new water you add has to match the old (temp, salinity, etc.), which is why it's better to transfer the water too.
No on the cycle if you keep the rocks wet - if the live rocks start drying out, might be a different story since that'd be similiar to shipping them again.

Disclaimer - one of the older hands here will correct me if I'm wrong.
But pretty sure I'm not. Just wanted to make sure you noticed in all thier suggestions, they keep their rocks wet.