I just moved my tank a month ago and can make a couple suggestions.
1. Fill all your tubs (I got mine from wal-m*** and returned them when I was done
)with water to make sure they don't leak water.
2. For my fish I used a battery operated air pump, and put them in a covered dark container so they wouldn't freak out (found in the fishing department of any store).
3. Make up about 30-40% new water at the new place, so that you can add it to your tank if your short from spillage during the trip.
4. I used an suv for moving everything, and I lined the inside with towels so it didn't ruin the ********.
5. You can buy a power converter for your car so that will convert from dc to ac power and plug in a couple power heads.
6. Have friends to help you (tubs filled with water can be heavy).
7. Have duct tape on hand cause you never know when you might need it.
8. Sit down and plan everything out, go over everything you'll need to do, how your going to break down the tank, and where your going to put it, will help it go smooth.
That's all I can think of right now. I only lost one hermit when I moved, but I only had 5 fish and 6 hermit to begin with when I moved my 75.