Originally posted by videohub
It's my fish. Been hanging around the LFS a long time and I was tired of seeing it there. My son calls it the ugly fish!!
I'm sorry to say this but if it's been there awhile u must have thought about getting it. So why didn't u research it then... because it must have caught ur curiousit at some point. Just because u felt sorry for it doesn't mean it's a good reason to take it.
But neways, what did the lfs feed it? If it's eating, it's a start. The term dragonfish is quite a common name. The seadragon (much like a seahorse) is called a dragonfish, some monster in really deep water is also called a dragon fish and the lion fish, i have turned called a turkey and dragonfish. My best guess is to keep trying to get better pictures, not sure if u can get better, but ones that have more identifying marks.