Mr. Ugly Fish


I bought this fish at my LFS and don't really know what it is, what it eats, or if it is hardy. Been fine for a week now so I suppose it's hardy. Any help appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Man, that is hard to tell. Comes across fuzzy to me, but then I'm getting old.
My guess is a white faced lawn mower blenny:confused:


I tried all night but finally got better pictures. My LAS said this is called a dragonfish and is related to the lion and it may be poisonous like the lion.


so why did you buy it if you think its ugly, and without doing research on it? :confused:
lol, i like the name you gave it.


It's my fish. Been hanging around the LFS a long time and I was tired of seeing it there. My son calls it the ugly fish!!
hey you did the same thing I did, I bought a funny looking fish at my lfs and not know what it was, kinda looks like yours
what you have looks like a type of the rare scorpian fish like the small scorpian from hawaii
our's is named mojimbi not mr ugly!! yet he is ugly
does he ambush flakes? cause mine does


Active Member

Originally posted by videohub
It's my fish. Been hanging around the LFS a long time and I was tired of seeing it there. My son calls it the ugly fish!!

I'm sorry to say this but if it's been there awhile u must have thought about getting it. So why didn't u research it then... because it must have caught ur curiousit at some point. Just because u felt sorry for it doesn't mean it's a good reason to take it.
But neways, what did the lfs feed it? If it's eating, it's a start. The term dragonfish is quite a common name. The seadragon (much like a seahorse) is called a dragonfish, some monster in really deep water is also called a dragon fish and the lion fish, i have turned called a turkey and dragonfish. My best guess is to keep trying to get better pictures, not sure if u can get better, but ones that have more identifying marks.


Active Member
and yes, the more i think about it, it does look like some type of waspfish but not sure about the longspined...
It is in the wasp fish family and they pack a punch with those spines. Here is mine. He is a very shy fish, though it is alot of fun to watch him hunt small krill and mysis that is just barely moving due to the current.


Its a Sailfin/Rogue Scorpion. (Amblyapistus taenionotus)
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"
Reef Compatible: With Caution
Diet: Carnivore


I think your fish is a blennie or a dragonette, because if it was a scorpionfish, it would be very very fat but yours have a thin and slim body