MSCenter58's 20gallon long diary


Active Member
I would say perculas are awesome, I have one and love him. Also gobies are cool, although I think the diamond is a sand-sifter which means he would throw sand all over your corals. Firefish are also really cool and pretty fish.


yea i know ive asked this a million times sry but do you think 1 firefish would be good in the 5.5 i reade they need about a 6 gallon so idk let me know what you think cause he is giving my 2 fish half off so the firefish would be 5 dollars... then for the 20 prlly get the percula
Here is what i want me stock list to be or fish
a pair of perculas
royal gramma
bicolor blenny
sixline wrasse
or do you think that is to much?


Active Member
yay you want what i want in my 29g. but i think you have a little to much. get 1 perculas, a gramma, and everythin else.
people will say not to get the blenny or gramma since they look alike but man i really want both. i got the gramma now and its awsome. and ima get the blenny tomorrow. maybe


yea i really like both fish when i first started thats what i wanted a percula and a royal gramma then i saw the blenny and really like him. i mean they are 2 completly different kind of fish one swims alot and the other perches


Active Member
exactly but everyone is like no they are the same. But my gramma is always hiding. It only cones out when I feed the tank mysis


Active Member
Yeah, the firefish may need a bigger tank. What about a yashia goby and a pistol shrimp. Blazin just posted pics of his, when you see them I think you will like them. They are very cool together and don't need much swimming room.


yea i went to my lfs today and they had 1 clown left for 25 but he is giving me a deal on what ever fish i buy. he said he is getting more fish tomorrow so i decided to wait hopefully he gets a sixline in


Active Member
I probably wouldn't get the sixline first, although I did and haven't had any problems but I have read a bunch of peoples thread that have had aggression issues
It really comes down to each fishes personality although instinct definitely plays a role.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MSCenter58
yea i went to my lfs today and they had 1 clown left for 25 but he is giving me a deal on what ever fish i buy. he said he is getting more fish tomorrow so i decided to wait hopefully he gets a sixline in
sixline should be an only fish or a last fish in a 20long, they can be territorial and aggressive in a small tank. It's like a damsel, but with BIG teeth.