multiple angels


New Member
So ive heard from just about everyone that multiple angel fish is out of the question, just like if you order 2 angles on they will block your order unless they are for two different tanks.... so i want to know if anyone has had success doing this???? Cause im giving it a shot and god i hope it works


DON'T DO IT. There is a reason everyone says you should not and that is because the angles will kill each other. Please reconsider this.


DON'T DO IT. There is a reason everyone says you should not and that is because the angels will kill each other. Please reconsider this.


Active Member
I tried two in my 75, a pygmy and a flame. I had to move the pygmy to my 55 because the flame chased it constantly.


New Member
Come on someone has to have done it and had it work...... ive seen pics of tanks with more than 10 large angles and there isnt anyone on the site that can keep 2 angels??
a 2 Have you tryed it???


Active Member
You cannot keep 2 dwarfs is usually the rule. I currently house a dwarf pygmy and a Queen juvi. in my 125. They don't even look at each other.


Active Member
keeping 2 dwarfs in the same tank CAN be done, you just have to have a large enough aquairum id say 150 bare minimum , better if it was in the 180-200 range


New Member
well im not talking dwarfs i want at least 3 large marine angles in my tank and my lfs tells me it is possible but dependant on fish personality... i think it can be done....has anyone had any sucess????????????????????????


Active Member
:thinking: i have had a flame and a coral beauty together for over a year now. they were in a 72 for about a year . no they are in a 180 and I haven't had any problems at all with them. Not saying that you should do it, but just telling my own personal experience> :thinking:

sea worthy

Originally Posted by Tink
but does anyone know from experiecne???
I have kept a juvi french and ajuvi map angel together for over a year with good results until that is, they began to mature. Then the prob. began fight, chase, and fang one another, until I couldnt take it anymore! SO to your question, it will work! SHORT TERM :mad:


New Member
well im in the process of trying a emperor and a blueface and so far "knock on wood" everything is fine....


Active Member
You can't keep 2 of the same genus. Smallest species must be in tank first. Did you ever wonder why a lot of juvi angels look totally different from the adults? It's so adults don't recognise them . 3 Pomacanthus in one tank just aint happening. Most zoos would not try it. Large angel fish have territories up to 1/4 acre.


Active Member
Tink, what size tank are you talking about? your profile says 140 gallon. if that's the tank you're speaking of, then no, it's not going to work for 2 large angels. would work for 2 dwarf angels though.
I have kept 2 dwarfs in a 72 gallon and 3 dwarfs in a 115 gallon with no problems.


There is a guy on here that has kept ten but i dont know what happened he hasnt posted in a while so idk
. But i would not try it think of the money youll lose you could use on corals or live rock or something else you need just my 2 cents.

Hope this helps,


New Member
well my tank is 150 gallons and the blueface is about 8 inches and the emperor is about 7 inches and they are gettin along just fine. I think it is definetly possible to keep them together


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tink
well my tank is 150 gallons and the blueface is about 8 inches and the emperor is about 7 inches and they are gettin along just fine. I think it is definetly possible to keep them together
How long have they been together and are they mature?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tink
well my tank is 150 gallons and the blueface is about 8 inches and the emperor is about 7 inches and they are gettin along just fine. I think it is definetly possible to keep them together
a 7 inch emperor isn't even half grown. you ain't seen nothing yet. when the fish reaches adulthood, you'll see.


Active Member
I have a watanabe, swallowtail, bellus, and lamarck angel all in a 175g tank and all of them are about 3" and added in seperately. There were some point in the beggining that a few were getting picked on and I thought they won't make it, but now they don't even bother each other. I'm not saying I would encourage people to mix angels though. This was just my experience.