multiple cleaner wrasses?

bang guy

If you can pick out one of the 1 in 10 that will adapt to eating something besides fish slime then you can have more than one. I wouldn't buy one unless you eyewitness it eating prepared food.


all of my fish are sick so I just wanted a couple to help them out a bit.... wont they always have something to eat if there are other fish around?
Thanks for the help.


Cleaner wrasse rarely live very long. Cleaner shrimp live much longer and will clean a fish just as well if not better. I wonder though why you have so much disease in your tank? Whats going on with that? Any clues?


we just moved the tank... and the temp is at about 80 due to the location of it... thats where the ick comes in... Im having a really hard time cause the purple tang is absolutely covered with it... looking healthy but covered. due to the size of the tank removing the fish is near to impossible and Ive got three cleaners already. thank you for responding... you have saved me some money and a couple of fishes lives... if you have any sudjestions for my predicament they are gladly accepted.


Agree with Anthem...treat the ICH right away! Hyposalinity is the best method in my opinion.
I have 3 common cleaner wrasses...they are in 3 separate tanks since I tried to put 2 together, and one harassed the other so bad he jumped out of the tank.
One thing about these fish tho...all 3 readily eat squid, so you can supplement their diet with it.
I've had one about 2 years, so as far as being short lived I've been lucky so far. Another thing to remember about them is that after a few months they lose their juvenile coloration, and are rather plain looking.
Cleaner shrimp are a great idea...but AFTER you do hyposalinity to cure the ich, they won't survive the lower salinity.


Outside of agreeing with Anthem on the treatment, common cleaner wrasses are very sensitive to any water changes. I've always had success with them in a tank with a Yellow Tang, but without the yellow, they don't seem to fare very well. I had them live for years, but they are not readily adaptable to captivity and getting one that is tends to be hit or miss. If you want something in the tank to help clean the fish on occasion, I agree that cleaner shrimp are the better and more stable route to take.


I do have three cleaner shrimps and I agree, my yellow tang and cleaner wrass seem do get along real well. I wont get another though.