Multiple Tangs


I will either be getting a 125 or 180. I know when putting multiple tangs in a tank, they must have different body shapes. I was originally going with a yellow, blue hippo, and powder blue. I got nervous with attempting the powder blue and instead was think of a naso.... Would a naso, yellow, and blue hippo work???


Active Member
Nasos get really big, like almost 18". I would say go with the 180 at least if you're thinking of one of those. The PB is sensitive though could be done in either if you go that route. The hippo and yellow would do fine in either, but of course the bigger the better. And any combo of the ones you mention would work together.


New Member
My Blue Hippo and Yellow get along perfectly together. I don't know what other Tang would be a good mix.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Nasos get really big, like almost 18". I would say go with the 180 at least if you're thinking of one of those. The PB is sensitive though could be done in either if you go that route. The hippo and yellow would do fine in either, but of course the bigger the better. And any combo of the ones you mention would work together.
I have heard that Nasos get up to 18". Have you ever seen one get anywhere near that? And if I get him when he's 3-4", how fast do they grow?


Active Member
Originally Posted by drewdog82
I have heard that Nasos get up to 18". Have you ever seen one get anywhere near that? And if I get him when he's 3-4", how fast do they grow?
I've seen one at my LFS that's at least 15" or 16", though I haven't personally seen them larger than that. I can't say how long it would take to get to that size, it would really depend on a lot of factors (feeding schedule, other fish, etc). I was thinking of getting one for my 180, my LFS sells them around 2-4 inch for a good price, but the 18" thing has me thinking about alternatives.... of course I may end up going with one, I know a few people with huge tanks (owner of my company has something around 500g, from what I've heard) so if it really gets that big, I do have somewhere for it to go.


Active Member
Yep, 18" is the common thought wild max. In a tank, I've never heard of one growing much past ~13". They'll grow to around 8" fairly quicky and taper off a tad from there.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Not to sure about multiple body shapes when it comes to yellow salfin tangs you can have more then one only introduce them to your tank at the same time


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Not to sure about multiple body shapes when it comes to yellow salfin tangs you can have more then one only introduce them to your tank at the same time
It's good to keep more than one in groups of 3s.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe

I agree too. But, this is area where so much depends on the individual fish, that there just isn't a blanket answer. I'm someone who doesn't give fish credit for being too smart, but they sure like to decide who they live with.

bang guy

Originally Posted by drewdog82
I have heard that Nasos get up to 18". Have you ever seen one get anywhere near that? And if I get him when he's 3-4", how fast do they grow?
The size of the fish doesn't have as much to do with minimum tank size as the swimming habbits of the fish. You can't keep a Sardine in a 180 because it need a huge swimming volume. Naso truly need to swim a lot. The Zoo tank I help maintain has a 12 foot tank and it still limits the Naso's swimming space to the point where it never gets to "open up the throttle".
If you really want multiple Tangs in a 180 then try a Zebrasoma like a Yellow, or a Purple, and a Hippo Tang. You're still going to see occational aggression but if everything else is top notch they'll be able to handle the stress.


i've got a vlamingi tang, mimic tang and a blue hippo in my tank without problems. the vlamingi is like the naso's except different coloration. they grow fast.