Multitier Tank Stand Questions

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
HA! Makes you wonder what the heck Joe does to keep food on the table doesn't it Randy? He seems to have a large amount of time on his hands. He must have "PEOPLE"!

Henry when your middle name is Anthony and your LAST name ends in a vowel and you are Sicilian FAGEDABOUDDIT

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Randy my very good friend, I must make you aware. You have wakened the sleeping half a brain monster. I don’t know if you were able to get any info from Henrys suggestion (God I hope you did) but I am in the process of gathering data on friction head in feet per foot of different schedule PVC pipe (40, 80) at various flow rates in gallons per hour. If you can tell me which schedule pipe you are using it will cut the work load ½..
Also if you have a vague idea on what you will need ball valves, gate valves, 90d elbows, 45d elbows, sweeps, street ells and tees. I get work up some numbers as well.
Duhh talk about tunnel vision I COULD USE THE ID of the pipe
Heck Joe, I haven't taken it that far yet. I assume I'll be either using the schedule 40 (since thats what is most commonly the cheapest) and I see no reason to go with the schedule 80, or rubber tubing. Probably leaning towards the rubber tubing; if so figure two 90s on the bottom section with 1 ball valve and two 90s on the top section with one T and a ball value. That of course is not including anything from the containers, which I assume you don't need since they shouldn't be included in a head heighth calculation.,
..... OH SH&(! Gotta go, two of my students just broke a 55 gallon aquarium in another room . . . .

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by rmeaux
If you look at these pic of my ro di stand I notched a 4x4 and used the meat of it to support my cross members.
May not be what you are looking for but its an idea. It may be hard to find a 4x4 that you can stain. Almost all places only sell treated ones.
rmeaux; thanks - think you're right - most places only sell cedar or treated 4x4s so I doubt that I could find what I want. That is a sweat RO/DI system though. Nice job

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Heck Joe, I haven't taken it that far yet. I assume I'll be either using the schedule 40 (since thats what is most commonly the cheapest) and I see no reason to go with the schedule 80, or rubber tubing. Probably leaning towards the rubber tubing; if so figure two 90s on the bottom section with 1 ball valve and two 90s on the top section with one T and a ball value. That of course is not including anything from the containers, which I assume you don't need since they shouldn't be included in a head heighth calculation.,
..... OH SH&(! Gotta go, two of my students just broke a 55 gallon aquarium in another room . . . .
D&^% D&^% D&^%! 55 gallon River Tank Ecosystem shot to He**! Sometimes I could just kill these knuckleheads.


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
Randy I think a quietone 4000 would be fine on this system, I am guessing that the top of the highest tank will be aprx 5' so with that much head you are looking at about 600gph.
This flow calculation was with 1" plumbing, 2-90's, 1- ball valveand 5ft of verticle head. 1.25" plumbing would get you another 50gph.