mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
three mushrooms were originally blended, only one type of the three grew babies the green/blue striped. it grew about 20 babies.


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
three mushrooms were originally blended, only one type of the three grew babies the green/blue striped. it grew about 20 babies.

Thats a low blend/babies ratio...


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
three mushrooms were originally blended, only one type of the three grew babies the green/blue striped. it grew about 20 babies.
not worth the effort. great mythbuster tho.


Im new to this site and to sw. Finding all kind of great info but haveing a problem looking at the pic links. The only thing that comes up is a blank new window. Any help would be great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rootx69
Im new to this site and to sw. Finding all kind of great info but haveing a problem looking at the pic links. The only thing that comes up is a blank new window. Any help would be great.
Since they just updated the site, theres been some problems with images that were uploaded to the site. For now, I would use photobucket image code link, but this thread is one of the older ones.


i tryed something similar. i didnt use a blender but i took a mushroom and use sissors to mash it almost into like a paste which i poured onto some my Live rock rubble a few months ago and i've found 4 decent size peices so far. i guess what my problem was is that most of the peices would have fallen to the bottom of the Live rock rubble so most of it wouldnt get light


Hey Reefkprz...just thinkin...what if you did this again but instead of just dumping all the "juice" strait into the tank maybe putting it in some sort of container with a fine cloth over the cheese cloth or something similar. that way none could escape and get sucked into the filter or get lost in the sand or rock. hmmmm...i'm no expert but just askin


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lizzy
Hey Reefkprz...just thinkin...what if you did this again but instead of just dumping all the "juice" strait into the tank maybe putting it in some sort of container with a fine cloth over the cheese cloth or something similar. that way none could escape and get sucked into the filter or get lost in the sand or rock. hmmmm...i'm no expert but just askin
I considered using a net breeder with fine mesh but the myth was "if you blend a mushroom and dump it in your tank you get a lot of mushrooms." so I was under the constraint of breaking or proving the actual rumor, I imagine if you did it in a tank say a 10g with nothing but sand and bubble filtration (like used when raising fish fry) you would probably end up with a LOT of mushrooms.


Active Member
I'm glad that this thread has been brought back... but unfortunately reefkprz and the other experimenter (mike I believe?) are not active on this site anymore... it was very interesting to read and I hope these two members come back soon!


Active Member
Actually reefkkprz's last post was in September of this year... I just want him to come back to this thread.. and he has been on all of these threads A LOT less lately.