mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
There in a 20g mushroom only tank. They were the only things in there. I'm going to give it two weeks, put some astrea snails in, and then vacum the dirty sand out and replace it if no signs of growth. Also the two original mushroom stems are growing back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by huskychasrs
You seen it here!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. thats to funny!!! that was just as good on your name. i will forever say whats up in any thread when i see you. your good in my book now. hahaha


Active Member
I cant wait to post some....
I have found a bunch of shrooms over all. there are several dime sized ones and some half the size of a dime and I just found a new one less that 1/8th inch the other day. I can definatly say if you wnat more shrooms sooner regular fragging will tke less time for sizable specimines, I do not have a final count on how many shrooms yet as they keep moving around unattached I look and they are there one day6 and not the next.
I can say, there are no reds or green speckleds, every piece I can now find is the green striped/watermelon shroom. possibly some types may be far more durable than others.


Active Member
I think I'm going to stick with regular old fragging. I didn't blend them right, but seems more worth while to frag. Can't wait to see pics though!


Active Member
unfortunatly not yet, I have the camera and am getting pretty good at taking pics with it but I cannot upload them onto this POC computer, sorry.


Active Member
the conclusion is YES you can propagate mushrooms by blending them. iot takes a long time for the results to be evident and the shrooms you end up with are small. here are some pictures from today.



Active Member
and there are more perhaps a dozen more mini shrooms all through the tank, maybe even more that I havent noticed yet. slow and nopt really worth the time, in a mass propagation sense. the red and green speckled ones I havent found a trace of but the watermelon or blue striped ones are growing all over the place.


Active Member
I'm sure almost everyone has forgotton about this thread as I have been negligent on keeping it updated. (one dead computer and a new camera later) I remembered it this morning when I looked into my 12 and noticed a new shroom in the sand and thought to myself "wow the blender worked, took a while but it definatly did work." almost 4 months later I get a clue.
well I hope this is usefull. we now know that blue striped watermelon mushrooms are propagatable in a non comercial application through judicious use of a blender. (I also noticed a baby hammer on a months dead piece of skeleton this morning. DONT THROW AWAY dead skeletons, you never know when they may come back)


Awesome. I was actually thinking about trying to find this thread last night to see what was up. Thanks for the update. Love your frag threads.


Active Member
thank you. ZeroC. I am thinking of throwing links to them all on to one thread, so I can reference them from there on I have them saved on my desktop for quick referencing but its kind of a pain, if I linked them All onto one fragging thread with links to individual types of corals, it would be more usefull I think. I just dont know how to link into a thread at a specific post number. Maybe a mod could tell me how or assist me in setting it up.


Hey REEFKPRZ Is there anything that you DON'T pu in your blender? LOL By the way, when my wife goes to work, I'm using the blender myself! LOL ...Opps... she saw me typing it! :)