mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it


Active Member
i just wonder what the f%ck happened to him. why would you start this thread knowing it would be a hit and just stop. jail possibly, dont know


Active Member
ok, i read this post, and I'm going to blend up a blue shroom tomarrow...gotta have more blue shrooms. wait. maybe I don't want them all over the tank, maybe I'll do the wedding veil thing instead.


Active Member
Well if Sleasia and I blend, then it should continue. I got a tank diary of the whole thing in the fish photography section. I plan on blending away tuesday or so.


Active Member
MIKE22cha no disrespect on this thread but save your thoughts and pics for yours. hopefully nothing happened to him, but basically how i see it, this is your experiment now. so post on your thread. your still going strong, dont know what happened to this guy. jail possibly


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
MIKE22cha no disrespect on this thread but save your thoughts and pics for yours. hopefully nothing happened to him, but basically how i see it, this is your experiment now. so post on your thread. your still going strong, dont know what happened to this guy. jail possibly

My thread going strong?
I'm over half the posts!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubsnaek
MIKE22cha no disrespect on this thread but save your thoughts and pics for yours. hopefully nothing happened to him, but basically how i see it, this is your experiment now. so post on your thread. your still going strong, dont know what happened to this guy. jail possibly

Why would you assume that someone was in jail because they didnt post for a few days? Perhaps he has a life outside of Just a thought.
RZ already said he wasnt going to post until he had results to show and that it was cool if Mike wanted to post his as well to liven up this thread due to slow progress. Keep in mind the goal of this thread is growth - It takes time...


Active Member
well there Deltablack22. i was simply implying that its crazy to start a thread like this then just stop. also yes to show growth of his own corals not MIKE22cha's growth. mike has his own thread going.
if you read up i did say he probably wont post till he has something. so back off. roger over and out............................


Active Member
Its ok, you dont have to get defensive... It was just sort of creepy and stalkerish how you were pining over the location of RZ.


Active Member
Reefkprz hasn't even been on here at all for a long time. And yes he did give me permission to post my results and pics of the project on here. And yes I did start my own, which isn't that lively.


Active Member
sorry fellas i was at work bustin my a$$. it was over 105 degrees in the shop, so i just checked up real quick and saw that. my bad.
but it is crazy that he hasnt posted anything.