I have had my 29 gallon tank up and running now since about for about 8 months, it was transfered from a 10 to a 29. The first coral I bought was a small rock covered in mushrooms. Since then, I have expanded and now have a pink tip anenome, xenia that has been spreading like crazy, a green lt plate, a slipper coral, and some button polyps that have been spreading like crazy also. Everything seems to be doing great, except for the mushrooms. I have been really confused, everything seems right but they dont seem happy. The current params are: salinity 1.023, temp constant 79, nitrate 10, tirte, ammonia is 0, ph 8.3, phosphate .2, calcium is above 500, and I have been adding a little bit of supplements, calcium to keep it high, stronium, iodine, and zooplex for food for some other corals. My lights are the 30" 130 watt aqualights. I run them for about 8 1/2 hrs a day. I recently added 20 lbs more rock, about a month ago, and made a little cave to put the mushroom under, hoping that less light would help them. Some that are under the rocks seem to be doing a little better, like moving up towards the light. But the others just seem to be doing crappy, they always look shriveled up, and never expand all the way out. Is there anything I am doing wrong, is there a better place to put them in my tank? Or anything else I can do? Thanks...