mushroom threw up!!


I just got an umbrella mushroom Tuesday and it looked squished where it was so we moved it to a better place where it can stretch out...and it looks like it is throwing up....when I first got it it had some stuff coming out of it and then once it opened it looked great...what is it exactly that they spew out of it when touched??


LOL...I remember that thread...I laughed and laughed...It's funny most of the "waste" is almost gone already....there was quite a bit I guess we really spooked it huh..


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL...I remember that thread...I laughed and laughed...It's funny most of the "waste" is almost gone already....there was quite a bit I guess we really spooked it huh..
Yes, just like the cat, he just let loose on you as a defense probably.


Active Member
thats not waste its mesentarial filaments aka 'guts'
alot of shrooms expell their guts when irritated. and anemones throw up their guts when they are dying similarly.. but on a larger scale.
Some shrooms are more prissy than others. I have one species that looks like its dying if you just touch it. it throws up long strings.
Its fine, itll retract and recover!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpi
thats not waste its mesentarial filaments aka 'guts'
alot of shrooms expell their guts when irritated. and anemones throw up their guts when they are dying similarly.. but on a larger scale.
Some shrooms are more prissy than others. I have one species that looks like its dying if you just touch it. it throws up long strings.
Its fine, itll retract and recover!
Jess....I think we are talking about the same thing here...This anemone cleaned out his cat cleaned out her bowels. Same concept...yes


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
Jess....I think we are talking about the same thing here...This anemone cleaned out his cat cleaned out her bowels. Same concept...yes

the shroom wasnt cleaning out his stomach... but rather... throwing up his stomach/bowels (if you think of it that way) Its not food or waste, its actually the innerds of the coral (or anemone), the digestive organs.
It sounds pretty serious but its common with a irritated shroom.
anyway, your shroom is fine. Good Luck