My 10 gallon heavily planted tank with PICS and VIDEOS!

coral keeper

Active Member
Here are some pics of the tank that i took today.

Its got a DIY CO2 system, 15 watt light, and i add dry ferts every week. More pics will be up later today or tomorrow. Ill post some videos today or tomorrow.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a pic of some mystery plant thats in the middle. On the left is some Micro Sword, and on the right is some Hair Grass.

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a pic of another kind of Micro Sword.

That will be it for today. I don't want to show everything in one day.

coral keeper

Active Member
I was a bit board so ill post a few more pics.

Here is one of my Mosquito Fish and one of my Ramshorns snails thats on the drift wood.

coral keeper

Active Member
This is my stock list and what equipment I use. Fish and inverts: 2 baby Angel fish, 1 male Fancy Guppy, a lot of Mosquito Fish, Pond Snails, Ramshorns snails, and Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Equipment:10 gallon tank, 50-100 watt heater, Aquaclear powerhead for 10-30 gallon tanks, 15 watt light, DIY CO2 system, 2 inch sand bed, and I add dry ferts every week. Plants: Java Moss, Java moss, Banana Plants, Anacharis, diff kinds of Micro Swords, Hair Grass, Frogbit, Horn Wort, Anubias barteri barteri, Anubias barteri nana, Duck Weed, and a few plants that i don't know whats it called. So I got around 15-17 diff plants in the tank.