Originally Posted by
Coral Keeper
Thanks. Can you post a few pics of your tank too? I want to get a boy and a girl German Blue Ram. Here is a pic of one.
All the fish are the same. This is my stock list and what equipment I use. Fish and inverts: 2 baby Angel fish, 1 male Fancy Guppy, a lot of Mosquito Fish, Pond Snails, Ramshorns snails, and Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Equipment:10 gallon tank, 50-100 watt heater, Aquaclear powerhead for 10-30 gallon tanks, 15 watt light, DIY CO2 system, 2 inch sand bed, and I add dry ferts every week. Plants: Java Moss, Java moss, Banana Plants, Anacharis, diff kinds of Micro Swords, Hair Grass, Frogbit, Horn Wort, Anubias barteri barteri, Anubias barteri nana, Duck Weed, and a few plants that i don't know whats it called. So I got around 15-17 diff plants in the tank.
are mosquitio fish those 3 cent fish? wats the point of them? do angels eat them?