My 10 gallon heavily planted tank with PICS and VIDEOS!

coral keeper

Active Member
Here is a pic of my Anubias barteri barteri. The pirst pic I took yesterday and the second pic I took today. The leaf is all most out!!(its the first new leaf that the plant had in my tank)

Tell me what you think everyone!!


Active Member
tank looks nice.
i have a all natural plant 10 gallon too
wat kind of fisih do u have now.
in pics they fish seem to change(angels loook good)

coral keeper

Active Member
Thanks. Can you post a few pics of your tank too? I want to get a boy and a girl German Blue Ram. Here is a pic of one.

All the fish are the same. This is my stock list and what equipment I use. Fish and inverts: 2 baby Angel fish, 1 male Fancy Guppy, a lot of Mosquito Fish, Pond Snails, Ramshorns snails, and Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Equipment:10 gallon tank, 50-100 watt heater, Aquaclear powerhead for 10-30 gallon tanks, 15 watt light, DIY CO2 system, 2 inch sand bed, and I add dry ferts every week. Plants: Java Moss, Java moss, Banana Plants, Anacharis, diff kinds of Micro Swords, Hair Grass, Frogbit, Horn Wort, Anubias barteri barteri, Anubias barteri nana, Duck Weed, and a few plants that i don't know whats it called. So I got around 15-17 diff plants in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Thanks. Can you post a few pics of your tank too? I want to get a boy and a girl German Blue Ram. Here is a pic of one.

All the fish are the same. This is my stock list and what equipment I use. Fish and inverts: 2 baby Angel fish, 1 male Fancy Guppy, a lot of Mosquito Fish, Pond Snails, Ramshorns snails, and Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Equipment:10 gallon tank, 50-100 watt heater, Aquaclear powerhead for 10-30 gallon tanks, 15 watt light, DIY CO2 system, 2 inch sand bed, and I add dry ferts every week. Plants: Java Moss, Java moss, Banana Plants, Anacharis, diff kinds of Micro Swords, Hair Grass, Frogbit, Horn Wort, Anubias barteri barteri, Anubias barteri nana, Duck Weed, and a few plants that i don't know whats it called. So I got around 15-17 diff plants in the tank.
are mosquitio fish those 3 cent fish? wats the point of them? do angels eat them?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by bjoe23
are mosquitio fish those 3 cent fish? wats the point of them? do angels eat them?
I just like the look of them and no my angelfish don't eat them. Do you have a problem with me keeping them? Just because they are 3 cent fish dosnt mean I cant keep them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I just like the look of them and no my angelfish don't eat them. Do you have a problem with me keeping them? Just because they are 3 cent fish dosnt mean I cant keep them.
ok i was just asking a question......


Active Member
Nice looking tank!
I also want to get some German Blue Rams, they are beautiful fish with lots of personality. Are you going to stick them in the 10 gallon with your other fish? You make have some issues with them picking on your current fish list, especially with a tank that small. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Cichlids are pretty good at uprooting plants. You may find it works though, good luck.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Nice looking tank!
I also want to get some German Blue Rams, they are beautiful fish with lots of personality. Are you going to stick them in the 10 gallon with your other fish? You make have some issues with them picking on your current fish list, especially with a tank that small. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Cichlids are pretty good at uprooting plants. You may find it works though, good luck.
Thanks! They are fresh water fish you know that right? Do you have a freshwater tank? Yeah, they are very beautiful fish with lots of personality. I'm going to get rid of the angelfish and a little more than half of the mosquito fish. I am going to put them in the 10 gallon tank. I know this other site and people there know a lot about Cichlids and people keep German Blue Rams in heavily planted tanks with no problem at all. No uprooting plants or anything like that. Iv read and read and read a lot about German Blue Rams. Check out my turtle pond?

coral keeper

Active Member
Opps, I didnt know azfishgal. Sorry. Hobby Experience:5 months in saltwater, 4 years in freshwater.
Can you show us some pics of your freshwater tanks?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Opps, I didnt know azfishgal. Sorry. Hobby Experience:5 months in saltwater, 4 years in freshwater.
Can you show us some pics of your freshwater tanks?

No problem. I need to change my saltwater experience though, it's been 8 months now.
I'll try and get some pics of my freshwater tank.


Active Member
OK, here is my 12 gallon Freshwater Tank. Not a great picture, the lights are brighter than what it shows, but I had to use the "sport" setting to capture the fish. My stock list 3 Red Line Torpedo Barbs (Denison Barbs), 2 Gold Tiger Barbs, and there is one small Rubber Lip Pleco that I've had for about 4 years now. All plants are fake though I have thought about making it a planted tank, but I really don't know where I would find the time.


coral keeper

Active Member
Thats a very nice tank! A planted tank is easy to make and you don't have to take care of it that much. If you want I can help you out? Ill even send you some free plants if you make it into a live planted tank.


Active Member
Thanks, but I think I will keep my tank as-is for now. I have to many other projects waiting in the wings.
If I change my mind I'll let you know.

coral keeper

Active Member
Ok. Here is a nother pics of my Anubias barteri barteri that i took today. The leaf is going to be out fully tomorrow. Cant wait!
