My 12 gallon JBJ Nano Cube.


Active Member
My frogspawn has been growing huge..and my monti caps have been growing huge..obviously this is now becoming a problem because the two are touching.....the winner is the frogspawn. Each little spot that gets touched by the frogspawn turns white by the next day. It's not that big of a problem because I plan to frag up the montis real soon.


Active Member
two new coral arriving next week.
1) Pink watermellon coral.
2) Event Horizon acan.
Also...going shopping this weekend and maybe I'll find some more goodies..... :)


Active Member
Tank is STUFFED. Frogspawn stinging the monti cap but it repairs quickly and gets stung again. Ordered some cutters and frag plugs to solve the problem.
here's some pics!



Active Member
top's fun to look back at how small some of these things were.
From left to right (only naming coral on the sand bed).
Rainbow, Orange, and a green Ricordia Florida (Barely visible cause Koralia nano in the way).
Pink watermelon chalice and "sobe" chalice.
Candy cane.
Clove polyps.
stitched acanthastrea lordhowensis.
Blastomussa wells.
"Event Horizon" acan lord.
Duncan. duncan.
blue hornets.


Those acans are getting huge!
Lol, just send the monti to me, and then viola! No more stinging problems!


Active Member
I fragged it yesterday actually. It made two nice little viola!! No more stinging problems!


I Love your acans! I can't believe they have grown that much within such a short period of time! I have a small frag with about 5 heads on it. How did you get yours to grow so fast? I am feeding mysis once to twice a week...but I haven't seen any new growth, they just seem to get additional heads though.


Active Member
Doing about the same that you're doing. Feeding mysis every other day with a mixture of some other zooplanktons.
There are probably little heads that you don't even notice..they get sneaky.


Active Member
Added: purple death palys.
Today: Fragging everything I can get ahold of. Lots of zoas will be fragged today.
Soon: Fragging the frogspawn (need dremel)
Also: Nike--Fed the toxic lavas twice. I've got a baby that is so close to opening..I bet it'll open today in fact.


Active Member
full shot of my nano just for updating purposes..and a lil shot of my 46 gallon aggro frag tank.
