My 12 gallon JBJ Nano Cube.


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Had to move the fox into a no-flow area.. hates flow.
Had to re-frag the blue zoas because they came off the plug... put them on a small branching rock.


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I spent more money again...
Yesterday I got some african blue hornet zoas and a war coral.


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Here's a pic of the hornets. Sorry you can't really make them out too well with my camera phone... but I promise they're amazing.
Looks like about 6 living heads (only three visible from this angle). There are a bunch of heads that won't open... but maybe after a while they'll be convinced to come out and play.



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29.99--really I paid that for 10+ heads but the frag got loose from the plug and rubbed upside-down in the bag for a few hours and some didn't make the journey.


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so the hornets are aoi zoas--not what I thought, but they look really awesome.
Thanks to Nike for the positive id.


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indeed, awesome zoas. btw i spoke with the toxic lavas owner. he said that they turned white skirted after being blasted with light.


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I was going to bid on them but my wife got mad after I purchased those last coral... lol I got to start keeping them a secret some how :) -- My toxic lavas have been doing really good. The don't like 86 degrees but are fine all the way to it, just not right at it. Got them at the highest point in the tank without a lot of flow and they open up faster than any of my other zoas and they're VERY large polyps. I haven't noticed any babies but you said that they grow slow.
My wish list is:
Purple Death palys
Fruit loops.
and I'd like either a red PE or kedds reds.


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purple deaths grow like weeds for me! im getting a baby head every week. the toxic lavas are painfully slow haha


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Originally Posted by nikeSB
purple deaths grow like weeds for me! im getting a baby head every week. the toxic lavas are painfully slow haha
Hook me up with a purple death then bra :)
My nuclear greens grow pretty fast.


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its looking full

I was able to turn the skirts on my toxic lavas to white under t5's, they were getting about 250 par to get them to turn white around the skirts


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I don't know if you can see mine back in the pic, but they're really huge. They're always the first coral to open up in the morning.


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My duncan from has two additional heads growing on it and they're able to take whole mysis.
My large green duncan is absolutely huge and the baby heads are growing really seems like the bigger they get the faster they grow.
My monti cap is attached to three different rocks now and actually fell off the frag plug it originally came with! It's basically a free frag plug for me since the monti attached itself to the rockwork.
I used that reef cement stuff to keep a few rocks from moving around and everything is doing awesome and thriving... I am dying to get some money together to get the 46 gallon set up so I can start fraggin.


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Well some sad news today.. I noticed a bunch of my coral had their tentacles way out... couldn't find my clown goby so I'm pretty sure he's gone :( I feel bad that he died but he just wouldn't eat. He'd swim right up to food and then just let it float away. I tried about 15 different foods but he just wasn't interested and well... may he rest in peace.. :'(
I'm going to wait a week or two and let the tank settle. After that time I'll probably add a boyfriend for my clown--which doesn't stop eating...