My 12 gallon jbj Nano, what do you think?


Hello to all... I just wanted to show off my nano and see what people thought of it. So let me know.
Here is a general over view of the tank


Well i am guessing your response to the mandrin is due to the tank size and lack of microalgea for it to feed on. If that is the case I have two comments. One would be this particular mandrin eats dried and frozen foods, you just have to take special care to get the food to it, and second I am planning a bigger tank that she will be moving into in the not to distant future.


Nice pictures. It's always nice to get a mandarin that takes frozen food, but I am pretty sure the guy is not a spotted mandarin.


Active Member

Originally posted by HighOlive
Well i am guessing your response to the mandrin is due to the tank size and lack of microalgea for it to feed on. If that is the case I have two comments. One would be this particular mandrin eats dried and frozen foods, you just have to take special care to get the food to it, and second I am planning a bigger tank that she will be moving into in the not to distant future.

He looks very skinny to me.:yes:


Flat... You are right she is on the skinny side... but that is how she came from the LFS. I am working on fattening her up... she has only been in there a few days so there is not much I can do in that amount of time.


The BTA has been in there for 3 or 4 weeks, I can't remember of the top of my head. I originally tried to get him to sit up on top of the LR so that he can get light and so that I can feed him easier... but he moved himself down between the rock and doesnt seem like he wants to come out. Every once in a while he streches around and I can actually see his mouth when he does this I give him a some krill or brine.
Currently the tank is running with the stock dual 24w PC lights, but it also get a considerable amount of natural sun light which in my opinion (though it may be wrong) is better thank any artificial source can offer.


I noticed that you live in Philidephia...I must comment that the sunlight in your area is naturaly much less intense then that of where the BTA it may not even be direct sunlight makeing things worse....Your BTA looks Deathly ill in the photos...I think you would be wise to take it back or very quickly upgrade your lighting.


Take the Mandarin back to your LFS before it dies. I know you are not going to want to hear this but trust me hear are the facts for keeping any dragonet.
At a minimum this is what you would need:
At least 100 pounds of liverock.
A sufficent and stable pod population.
And the most important is to have a tank that is a minimum of one year of maturity(one full year after the cycle has completed).
And yes, if you do a search on this website I'm sure you'll find someone who claims that they have a healty Dragonet that lives off of frozen foods but you have to keep in mind that is pretty rare. If you don't believe me call around to your LFS's and get a poll from them. Chances are they'll just repeat what I just said.
No hard feelings, Dragonets are cheep and easy to come by, it's just that it's really, really hard to keep them alive and happy.
They shouldn't just survive but thrive.
And I'm in no way a PETA person just trying to pass down wisdom.


Active Member
How long has the tank been setup, and also can you give us some specs or it it stock. Nice looking tank. I would also carry back the dragonette. Get a nice goby or something...


I am just posting to let those who were concerned that I have decided to do a major overhaul on my tanks current lighting system. This will bring my lighting to:
1x 24watt 50/50 daylight/actinic
1X 32watt daylight 10000K White PowerCompact Bulb (Sunpaq)
1x 32 watt 50/50 actinic (Sunpaq)
This will bring be to 88watts of power for the 12 gallon tank. Or about 7.3 watts per gallon. Based on a talk I had last night with the guy who helped me find the light and what I have seen from other people doing the same retro fit this should be enough light to work with (granted I still may be wrong).


Well here is a picture of my updated lighting. It took me about 4 or 5 hours to get this right. The problem was just getting everything to fit in there neatly. I go from Day light bulbs in the front to actinic to the back.


I have moved the BTA out from between the rocks and exposed him to more light. I don't know if he is really that sick looking... looking at a picture of a BTA on this website it looks about the same. I am thinking in a few days he will be even better.