my 125g semi-diary


Yeah my Blue Spotted Kole tang finally got out of QT. Here she or he is in the main tank.



Only have one more fish to add and then I am done with fish. My last fish will be a radient wrasse.


Can anyone help me figure out what is happening to my KH level?
Sal 1.025
ph 8.4
calc 480
kh 6
nitrates 0
nitrites 0
amn 0
I am dosing daily trying to get my alk up but I can not get it above 6. Any ideas?


Active Member
Your tank is also looking good!! Your Tangs are awesome!!!
About your Kh, what test are you using? Usually pH and Kh go hand-in-hand, so it's a little odd your pH would be 8.4 but your Kh is 6. The Salifert Alk tests are having issues right now, so if that is what you are using, get another test and/or take it to your lfs to be tested. I've learned the hard way NOT to rely on just one test. If you think something is off, use another test just to be sure before you start over dosing.


I am using API. I will take it to my LFS and see what he is reading. Thank you for the compliment Azfishgal.


LFS comes up with:
sal 1.025
kh 7
ph 7.9
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
cal 418
boy is my test kit off

any recommendations on what to do to get everything up


My little blue hippo has died.
I do not understand as to why? When I pulled it out it looked very healthy and was eating last night.
I went ahead and did a fifty percent water change on my qt so I can hopefully prevent my sailfin from getting sick.


Active Member
I'm so sorry to hear about your Hippo Tang.
That's so sad.
As far as your test kit goes, I use API for my freshwater, but I don't believe it's accurate enough for saltwater. I use RedSea and Salifert Tests (but like I said, beware of the Salifert Alk test). The only false reading I get on my RedSea is the Nitrite test, but I have a Salifert Test to back it up.
Your Kole Tang looks great in your tank.


Thank you Azfishgal. I can only get API test kits locally. I will have to try and order a different test kit.
I still can not believe my hippo died.
I just don not understand what happened.