My 180 Reef


Active Member
Hi All......
Im new to this forum so this is a pic of my reef. I have had this tank for over two years and keeping salt for over three. Hope sending pic works!! if I figure this out Ill send close ups later


Active Member
aaahh shucks , THANKS to all..........
Well, it a 180 acrylic DIY w/ inside centered overflow to a 40 gl refuguim w/ rock, mud, calaripa, pods, mysids, ext. UV st, 2 skimmers , 1/4 hp chiller, two mag 9.5 returns, heaters,seperate temp controls,3 250w MH 10000k,2 96w 50/50 PCs,moons, timers........
Whats in there......250 lbs LR,250 lbs LS, 1/3 x 2 mths. water changes w/ natural sea water, RO for top offs
2 Pacific Blue Tangs
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Purple Tang
5 Yellow Tangs
1 Kole Tang
Mated pair Cinnimon Clowns
5 Blue Green Chromis
2 Sixline Wrasses
1 Flame Angle
1 Coral B. Angle
1 Copperband BF
1 Squarespot M Anthia
1 " FM Anthia
1 Male Lyratale Anthia
1 FM " "
1 Twin spot Hog Wrasses
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasses
2 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Fire/boot Shrimp
2 BTAs
3 Sand Stars
Lots of Snails and Hermits
Corals, Corals, and Corals
I know its alot but for now all is good and Im working on a bigger tank!
Tanks Again