My 180 Reef


Active Member
Look I know what everyone thinks and thats OK. But Ive had all of these together in this tank since I started it over 2 years ago I put all of them in over a 2 week time except the kole thinking I would lose some but I only lost a yellowhead and a pearl goby because the hogfish would not leave them alone. Its 72 in. long and thats room for them to spread there wings when they want to and lots of holes and caves and passages in the rocks for them to dart in to. They dont get ich from stress and they dont tear each other up. I added the kole about six months ago and it is fine, even I was suprised but I did want a kole. I call it GOOFY.
As far as CRAP and water conditions I think the biggest mistake most people make is to OVER feed there fish/tanks. And they dont have proper equipment. A lot of crap, algea, ammonia, nitrates,ect.....I feed a little nori everyday and every 2 days 6 prime reef sqares and abuot 1 square inch of frozen mysid shrimp. Thats it! Once a week I spot feed my anemones and some of the corals. Heres a close up of my refugium.


Active Member
you added all those fish in 2 weeks? or 1 every 2 weeks?
i didnt say anything about being overstocked because i saw you had a 40 refug.


I am in the process of building a light canopy. Would you happen to have some pictures of the inside of your canopy. I am trying to decide about how to place my mh lights and the pc actinics. Can you help me out? Your tank is beautiful. I thought about going to a 180g, but don't want to build the stand and light canopy again.


It's only overstocked if your can't keep up with the water conditions. Looks like you have a handle on it and it looks great!
Very nice set up. I love your fish selections.

ky reefer

that is one of the best looking tanks i have seen on saltwater nice job keep it up do you have aim
you seem to know what you are doing i would love to chat


Active Member
I already had a 120 gl reef with about half of these fish, 150 lbs of LR and 150 lbs of LS a lot of corals. I built and compleatly set up and cycle the new tank and fed it to build up the refuge and micoorgs Put in the new LR and LS, tested for two months and then moved everything from the old tank to the new one. For a week, everyday I tested and kept my fingers crossed and all was well. so for the next week I added the other fish and rearainged the rocks and did another water change and kept my fingers cross and again all was well . the test moved around a little but nothing alarming. I ran carbon and a phos sponge for about a month but I dont beleive I needed it. Havnt used any since. So everything was put in over two weeks.
But I always have my fingers crossed
Heres a pic of my two cleaners

ky reefer


Originally posted by KY REEFER
that is one of the best looking tanks i have seen on saltwater nice job keep it up do you have aim
you seem to know what you are doing i would love to chat


Active Member
stacylrt..........I dont know what you have now or what you want to add but MH should be evenly spread and centered, the pcs any where they will fit. the main thing with MH is they get super hot. they need to be held at least 12 in above the water , you should have fans and vents and they may still raise the temp of your water....
Heres a pic of my White Hammer and three little pigs


Active Member
Kentucky........I think this site has private message? I dont know how to use it here......Im a newby!
Heres the Purple taking a bath

ky reefer

does anyone know how to use private messaging on this site


Active Member
Tanks alot Offshore, hopkins, and All
Gee you know sometimes I look at my tank and think its crap. I guess its because I see it all the time. I know allot of peple think like that about their own probly because of the same reason.
This is one of my three Green Hammers


Active Member
KY..maybe I figed it out, Click profile at the bottom of my post, should take you to where you can PM me. Hope I can figure out how to get it. Let me know your e-mail.....
heres a pic of xinia soup..hungry


Active Member

Originally posted by ILuvMeTang
cool looking tank , but that is a little overstocked in my opion (whats your ph and salinity?)

There alive after 2 years....... doesnt sound overstocked to me. Its an aawesome job hes done, thats one of the healthiest Hippoes ive ever seen ( fat to :) ) How could anyone critisize something that is obviously so well mantained??? Great job Dogstar Todd


Active Member
I wish to send condolences to dory36
CBBF are not an easy fish to keep, Study up on them and any fish and make sure your equiped to have that fish before you try it again. Keep your chin up and good luck..........
Thanks to all Good Night , Ill be back
Long Tenticle