My 180 Reef


Active Member

Originally posted by Dogstar
...and he said in a quite voice " thanks " as a tear slowly fell on to the M key



THis is one of the best systems i have seen!!!:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: GREAT JOB!!!!! I jsut have 1 question and that is how big is that annemonie. Also I LOVE how your rock is set up it looks really natural one again good job!!


Active Member
tony , thanks for the cheerleaders
I like cheerleaders
That anemone opens to about 14 inches across, ra ra ra


Why does it matter? im tang police...and i dont care. They have room to swim, they got plenty to eat, a lil bit crwded but the fish arent stressed. Theres no problem with that. If the fish were territorial and didnt have space, then id be concerned. He seem to have everythin goin for him. Nice, nice, nice, nice job. One of the best tanks i seen.


how did you get the live rock to stay up on the right and left and have to caves on either side, i love your setup man. freakin beautiful tank man i love it


Active Member
Tanks again all
Most of my rocks are large pcs. so I just stacked them. Kind like laying blocks on top of each other. but I knew this look was what i wanted so i saved my two largest rocks to make the two big passages. Built the left pile then the center pile then the right pile and layed the two big ones across the piles.


Active Member
I love watching the little guys
open, close,open,close,open,close...................
I got hundreds of em


Well u got 10 tangs in a 180 ive got 3 tangs in a 90 We can give the tang police hell together hahahahahahaha we should do it dogstar


wow! but how did you get away with having shrimp and that hawkfish?


Active Member
spike...a book I have says that but in 2 and a half years my hawk has not touched a snail, hermit or shrimp as far as i can tell. I cant keep feather Ds because of the CBBF


New Member
water change with natural sea water. Hmmm. must be nice living in paradise. March tenth and we got a good two inches of snow here in Illinois. Great tank. I'm jealous!


Sea water??? I live in the tampa bay area and I was told that I would have to go out about 25 miles and then down 20 feet in order to get water that was remotely useable for a home you just do to the beach???? please let me know...I would just rather run down and get natural water, than keep making it....


Active Member
Well probly not even if you did that. I think the Gulf water is not good be cause it supplied by the Mississippi R. and the salinity is too low and not enough plankton and proper minerals and no reefs, ect. I could be wrong though. In Ft. Lauderdale and Miami and the Keys are reefs everywhere. Its the Ocean man. Great snorkling. Hahaha. There are a few people that go out on big boats and drop hoses right down over the reefs and pump the water onto the boats and then onto big tank trucks and then they sell to LFS and do water changes at ppls homes too. They go out early every day so the water is fresh. I go to the LFS and get mine its 50 cents a gallon.