My 180 Reef


THE TANG POLICE OUR HERE.....u are under arrest for the possesions of too many tang. U HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT ANYTHING U DO OR SAY WILL BE HELD AGAINST U IN THE COURT OF LAW. You have a right to a liar if you can not afford one will be provided for you
U will be asked to give up about 4 tangs of your tangs for my tank
Hahahaha jusr kidding i love your tank man its awsome keep up the great work your doing man its awsome hey talk online sometime if u can at Spitfire1124


I though flame hawks ate hermits and snails. Is yours simply nice or was I mis informed?? I think they are cool I wanna get one but I was always scared.
Pretty tank too.:)


Guest it is, right here.
Reef aquarium compatability
=Will eat feather duster worms, hermit crabs, snails and ornamental shrimps.
Then lower down it says. "Will jerk hermit crabs, limpets, and turbo snails out of their shells and eat them; will even knock snails off the glass to attack them."
So...I'm not takin' the chance...
Can I have yours??:D


Dogstar i was wonderin if u could give some ideas on easy corals to have in a 90 gallon tank Because i never had great suscess with reef in my tank the only thing ive really been able to keep alive in my tank is mushrooms and Ive had great suscess with all my fish tank im only 15 so i geuss people take me as a joke when i say i have a saltwater tank this all my info about my tank
take a look at my when ever and email me or leave a comment on here
heres my email addres
Any help would be great Thanks


Active Member
Bryan HI
Your tank looks nice, just DARK.
Your home page said " 10'000 watts of light " that can't be correct.
Light hardly matters to most fish and a lot of shroons dont need much light.
Let me know what your lighting really is and is that all real live rock. Looks like you just need better lighting and your on your way to a real reef Man....Dog
PS. I have 1000 watts on my tank. If you ment 10'000K, thats just the color, whats the watts?


My light is 96 watts 2 lamp hamilton flouresent lightinjg system My dad said it was 10,000 watts but heck i dont know i lesened to him im the one who brought this and i takes care of it hahahahaha he does nothing but for the tank hahaha
But yeah 96 watts MY fault sorry
Yes, that is all real live rock Thats too for ever to collect man cause little kids like me dont alot of money fast BUT I LOVE MY TANK ITS MY PRIDE AND JOY


Active Member
Hey, no problem
You still gota be a smart kid to have a tank as nice as yours anyway,
Two 96w PC for a 90gl is fine for fish but for corals you need more realy. I know lights cost alot of money so save up and be real nice to your dad.
You can try a colt leather or maybe xenia, these usualy dont cost alot. Zoos might work too. If you get some put them high on the rocks so they are closer to the light. You should get two 175w metel halides when you have the money and a fan.Maybe you dad can help you build something around the hood to hold it higher when you get them because MH get hot and can heat the water, Dont want that to happen. You put MH over them rocks and corals just might grow on there own........Dog


New Member
AWSOME tank!!!!!! Thanks for posting pics and helping people with questions!!!!!!!
Starting up a new tank and I may just hit you up with a few questions myself.
Great photos as well...........


I have a did you make the tank??? That would be a good how least for me anyways.... great tank and your right about poeple thinking there own tank looks crappy...I do as well but when friends come over and see it they are in awe....


thanks for the info. its seems pretty striaght forword... I just need to find a plastic company around here. thanks again


Active Member
ok dogstar you made me follow you to tell you whats wrong with your tank im gonna tell ya .. its in your house not mine lol.thats an awsome looking tank .2 thumbs up to you. im in the process of doing a small reef I hope i have as good of luck as will prolly take me 2 yrs to fill a it lol
ps . now i know where the tang police comments stem from lol.