My 180gal Oceanic Let Loose

tony detroit

Active Member
transferring to containment
Very happy I have a dedicated waterchange system, pump, and hose for this. Ridgid shop vac got all my gravel out in less than 5 minutes.

tony detroit

Active Member
Floor, I have removed the carpet. I figure I lost around 40gallons, sump was dry when I woke up, pump was running wide open. Good thing I was home. Turns out Oceanic had a bad batch of silicone in 2003. They're replacing the tank and the stand for water damage and the carpet.

tony detroit

Active Member
Now has lighting as well. Hopefully I will not lose any livestock. Oceanic is starting to build a new tank for me Monday, should be around 3 weeks till I see it.


:nervous: Ouch! That must be really stressful to go through. You can look on the positive side and know that it could've been a lot worse, plus you got the company taking care of the damage. :)
Looks like you got everything under control. Hang in there! :jumping:


Active Member
Wow, thats a shame. Seems like you had most of what you needed to accomodate everything. If that happened to me I think it would be a mad scramble to the local stores to get everything I needed. Good luck with everything.


Staff member
Tony, sorry to hear that. Not a nice weekend. How old was that tank? Is that a bowfront? I keep dreading the same thing happening to my bow.


Active Member
yeah sorry to here that:nope: I have a double hex side oceanic now you got me:nervous: I hope mine dont have a blow out..

tony detroit

Active Member
The manufacturing date on the tank was April 2003.
Tank was a 180gal Oceanic RR.
I've been keeping tank for quite a while, this is not my first, I take good care of my things.
Oceanic is being very good about this, it seems their silicone supplier had a bad batch years back and now they are letting lose on people.

tony detroit

Active Member
If I remember correctly, as I was talking with customer service they told me they had to replace more of the 70 Bows than any other tank. This could also be because they sold so many of them. Next time you do a water change, take the water down 6'' or so and look inside the tank with your head. Between the top brace and the glass, facing inward there will be a serial number and a manufacturing date. You can also see it with a mirror if you don't want to get wet. Mine was on the front pane. If your manufacturing date is 2003 or earlier, or even a bit later you may want to take your finger and inspect the silicone. I can push my fingernails right under mine. It's funny because in the past I've bumped the seals while cleaning and noticed little pieces popping off, but never thought of this happening.
Don't get me wrong. I am very glad this happened with Oceanic. They're most likely going to take care of everything. The fault lies with their silicone supplier. I'm glad I'm not with some shotty tank builder on this one. They informed me they're coming out with a half circle tank for 2006, that should be pretty cool.


My parents would kill me if this happend even though it wouldn't be my fault. This is one of the reasons I got a arcylic tank.


Active Member
Oh boy, I bought an all-glass in June of 2003. They are the same manufacturers. Do you or they know if this is also an issue?
Sorry for all your troubles, that really sucks.

tony detroit

Active Member
Not sure about all glass, but if I had to guess I'd say you'll be fine. I know people that have ran their tanks for double digit years. Remember it was not the manufacturer but the silicone that was the problem.


Active Member
I bought a 135 Oceanic in 2003. At least I laid ceramic tile in the room, but I still hope I don't go through what you are. Looks like you had a busy day and a huge mess. And right around Christmas too! Good news is you'll get a brand new tank.