My 20 gal bowfront.


no, no pix yet with the new lights...ill try to post one tomorrow morning before i head to thinking of going just a bit bigger...maybe a 30??? what do you think??
ok first you made me jealous cause you bought MH lights and now your tellin me spring break Im through with you!
have fun man! bring back some spring freak I mean spring break pics too!


You will love the halides! I ran a 150w Sunpod on my 16 bow and it was awesome.
You may already know this, but just in case you don't, remember that you have to acclimate your corals to the halide lights. I know when I got mine, I wanted to run it all day because it looked great, but you have to give them time to adjust to the stronger light.
Definately post some new pics! :cheer:


so i think im gonna get just the tank, a millenium 3000 HOB and two maxi-jet 900 powerheads for about 755 gph of flow. if i were to get a 30 gallon that'd give me about a 25x turnover...
think this will be good enough?


Active Member
you'll be happy with a 30g (29g). They are great, I'm possibly upgrading from it soon though, i got a good deal on a 55g corner ($100) but I have nowhere to put it and im moving from indy to florida/ georgia (college) in like a year, so I dont know how smart it is to set up a larger tank just to take it down in a year.
the turnover rate is good, maybe a small powerhead would make it nicer, but you should be good.


okay, it's been a long time since i posted last and i know i promised more pictures like two weeks ago, but ive been really busy with school!!! but this weekend came and i had some time so here are some pics!!!



any recommedations? criticisms? comments? thanks for looking guys!!
p.s. my candy cane in the front center has been doing really poorly but i have another small orange run in the front right that has been doing wonderfully...i dunno if the tank change shocked the big one or not, ive been doing water changes in hopes that it will recover but so good. i'm about to give up on it. also, i plan on getting more rock bcuz i think ive decided that im not too fond of the light blue background which was frosted onto the glass...cant exactly remove it....can really only cover it up. again, thanks for looking!!


thanks, i'm loving the halides as well...
as for the sand...i honestly don't do anything to "clean" my sand...i'd say my scooter blenny has a lot to do with it...when its not designated feeding time, all he does is hop around on the bottom stirring it and sucking it in and filtering it out...its funny to see the sand shoot out the back of his gills...little poofs of smoke!